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How to get the girl you love: the only thing you need to make her fall madly in love with you

You can make any girl fall head over heels for you. All you need is unshakable confidence. Acquire this trait and no girl will be beyond your reach. In this article I will reveal what is so attractive about confidence and how to gain the confidence that will help you attract any girl you desire. But first you have to understand…

What is trust?

Confidence means that you are sure of yourself. You know that no matter what happens, you will succeed. When you fail, you don’t let it bother you. Instead, you learn from your mistakes and rebuild yourself from the ashes. This attitude makes you an unbeatable man.

Why are women so attracted to confidence?

A confident man is a leader. He is a man of action and is always in control. Women love him because he has an “I make my life” attitude instead of a “Life happens to me” attitude.

No matter what feminists say, women want to be treated like women and they want you to behave like a man. Women are programmed to look for a man who can be a great provider and, when needed, a good protector. If you show confidence, they’ll assume you’re that guy.

It is a question of evolution. Therefore, even those girls who say they can protect and support themselves are attracted to confident guys because their subconscious mind makes them feel safe around them.

How do you gain trust?

We now know that all you need to make any girl fall head over heels for you is confidence. But how do you win? Simple, learn to fail and not care.

Let me give you an example; Let’s say you’re learning to ride a bike. On your first trip you will not feel very safe with it. But over time, after many failures, you will improve. And when your skills improve, your confidence will rise with them.

It is very important to learn not to worry about failing. If you take it personally, you will develop some traumas that will be very difficult to heal. Let’s go back to our bicycle example. If you fall off the bike and feel humiliated and foolish, you will not get back on the bike and you will never learn.

If, on the other hand, you see failure as a natural part of your learning process. And don’t let the occasional mishaps affect your self-esteem, you’ll come back and eventually become a master of the bike, and you’ll be brimming with confidence.

So all you need to gain unshakeable confidence, and the girl you love with her, is to dare to fail and not care.

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