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How to choose your first massage or reiki table

Choosing your first massage table doesn’t have to be a chore. If you are just starting your massage therapy business, a massage table is a must. After all, this is where the client (or patient) will be for the next 30-40 minutes receiving their massage treatment. Consider your first massage table purchase a long-term investment, which means buying the best you can afford is a must.

There are various massage tables on the market, and some tables are also called reiki tables. First, let’s clear up the confusion between the massage table and the reiki table. Some even called it a ‘reiki massage table’. The two are not the same, but they are not that different either.

Without going into details, reiki is a healing art that uses universal life force or spiritual energy to heal a person. Like massage, reiki requires a table for the patient to lie on during the healing session. The two tables can be used interchangeably, as long as the end of the table matches for both practices.

Basically, a regular massage table is enough for reiki, however, in the long run, it will tire the reiki practitioner, and here is why. Reiki tables have an open end, which means knees can easily fit under the table. That is a great convenience for a doctor considering the long duration of such treatment. This opening is usually not available for massage tables, which often have crisscross bars at both ends. Today, many massage tables have reiki panels on the ends, making them a perfect option for reiki therapists to use massage tables as well.

An important consideration before purchasing your first massage or reiki table is portability. Will your table be placed in a room and left there, or will you have to take it with you when you travel? Many massage and reiki therapists make house calls and take their table to set up in the client’s room. You would be surprised how many people ask me if I can come to their homes to give them a reiki treatment. I have never been happier to have a portable table as now I can say ‘Yes I can’ as I now have more customers than ever before.

Quality and price are another important aspect when buying your first massage or reiki table. If you are a massage therapist or want to open your own practice, do not be tempted to sacrifice quality for a lower price. Not worth it. The few hundred dollars you are saving on your first massage table will mean that in less than a year you will have wasted the money you spent on your first table when you have to buy a new one.

Buy a good quality table from the start and you won’t regret it. Neither will your client, who will want maximum comfort while enjoying the massage. Good portable massage tables are around $400 and you can find a wide variety of styles and designs. You can find very good bamboo massage tables for around $1000, and if you want to use a table that won’t budge from its location, this is one I would buy. It’s very stable, very reliable, extremely comfortable, and the price is right, too. I have had the same bamboo massage table for the last 10 years and I have not been happier with my first choice. And I can say the same for my returning clients.

Finally, these are some of the important features your first massage or reiki table should have. Don’t overlook them, as they are important:

o Backrest lifespan: increases your client’s comfort during treatment

o Breathing or facial rest: to further increase the comfort of your client during the massage

o Hollows for the breasts: perfect for clients with large breasts

o Reiki Panels – allows knees to fit comfortably under the table

Additional accessories can be added to your massage or reiki tables, but most of these features cannot be changed later. So before you buy your first massage table, choose wisely. After all, the massage table is the heart of your business from now on, so you should treat it as such.

For ecological massage tables and reiki visit NaturaMassage.

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