Home Kitchen

Design trends: from open plan to “broken plan”

One of the key defining features of many new homes and renovations in the last decade would have to be the open plan layout. Removing the walls between the kitchen, dining room, and living room to create the illusion of more space has been the trend for several years. Entertaining and living in such an open way has never felt so integrated and fluid.

However, there are some subtle signs that the Open Plan may not be ideal for much longer. After all, there are some flaws in its design. For example, trying to cool or heat a large air-conditioned living room can be a costly and time-consuming exercise. Watching sports on TV, with appliances like the dishwasher whirring in the background, can be tedious. And, people with kids will relate – there’s no room to escape the noise, clutter, and toys!

We are gradually moving away from closed rooms, with many older-style houses consisting of many smaller rooms that can be sealed off with internal doors. With less affordable heating and air conditioning options for many families, this style was a great way to keep warm; to separate formal adult living rooms for entertaining and to create separate zones within the home. The last fifteen years or so have seen a great change in such styles, and it has been about tearing down walls to create a large expanse of open living.

Along with the increased use of technology, there is a noticeable shift away from open-plan living towards creating smaller nooks throughout the home for peace and privacy. Mary Duggan, an architect from the UK and a judge for the RIBA House of the Year award, recently spoke on the subject:

‘The world of the open plan living room has changed quite a bit.

“They ask us for more comfortable spaces, rooms with televisions or a space where people can go and watch something independently, instead of an open space.

‘That was the trend, but I think it’s declining. The idea of ​​having a ‘broken plan’ much more seems to be the way our buildings are developing now.”

-Mary Duggan http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2015/nov/11/broken-plan-living-opening-up-new-spaces-in-home

Looking ahead, when planning a renovation or new construction, consider how the use of technology has advanced dramatically and will likely continue to be a staple in people’s homes. Therefore, home design should reflect this and include smaller nooks, dens or ‘snugs’ designed for using devices such as iPads and tablets. ‘Broken Plan’ house is the new black!

For further consideration, building inclusions could include accessories within these areas such as built-in charging stations, built-in benches and desks to accommodate such devices. Also, keep in mind that many devices will now want to sync up with the nearby TV or speaker, and many high-tech devices will now have features that allow the occupant to lower blinds, dim lights, etc. remote form. It’s simply the way into the future, and it makes sense that our home design should reflect such advances.

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