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What you resist persists

I know this sounds like a cliché, but it’s actually a natural law. When you stop resisting, letting go, and allowing, you can release an enormous amount of energy that holds that resistance (or block) in place. It’s like trying to hold a huge beach ball underwater all the time, it’s exhausting. You can release that energy for the things you want and not for the things you don’t want or resist. And what we usually resist is pain, or feeling our pain. We don’t want to feel pain, just because it’s too painful. But the more you resist feeling pain, the more pain your body and mind have to endure, but they can only endure so much. The pain eventually begins to seep in as symptoms. Chronic health problems have almost always buried behind them unfelt pain.

As Eckhart Tolle says, “when we have suffered enough, we will be ready to surrender, let go and stop resisting what is.”

Most of us might be ready to start allowing our pain to surface and stop fighting it, when we are metaphorically on our knees (if not literally) or when we have hit rock bottom.

Author Iyanla Vanzant writes in One day my soul just openedWhen we surrender, we mentally let go all the way through what we fear, which in effect releases fearful thoughts from the mind. It helps you realize that whatever happens, you will be able to handle it. Surrender helps you to be willing to live the experience, without giving your whole life to it.”

You can try the following EFT setup phrases to help you:

Even though I’m afraid to let go… I deeply and completely love and accept myself and choose to give this up…

Even though I am not willing to let go because I will no longer be in control, I choose to be open to giving up.

Even though I’m afraid of what will happen if I let go, I choose to feel safe and be there for me, I’m okay and completely safe.

Tap on nevertheless feel, you can have a conversation with yourself while tapping on the karate chop or sore spot to correct the psychological setback, it doesn’t have to be just one word. Sometimes we can’t sum up how we feel in one word. Be completely honest about how you feel, your body will know if you’re not being honest and give you signals to show it (for example, no change). When you hit the jackpot you will feel a huge relief (yawns, sighs, burps, belches, laughs, tears, etc.) this is your body thanking you for listening and for releasing that energy block it has been holding for you until you were ready to drop it.

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