
Top 3 Reasons to Upgrade from Managed Hosting to Colocation Hosting

Have you noticed that more and more businesses of all sizes have moved from managed web hosting to colocation web hosting? What is the reason behind all these tremendous changes made by many companies, not only in the United States but also in many companies in Europe, Canada and all the other highly industrialized countries in the world?

Well, a lot of research has already shown that outsourced data centers, specifically colocation centers, have lined up many benefits that they can offer to all businesses, regardless of their size. One of the very tempting offers is the cost savings that companies can obtain, as well as scalability and technological freedom. While it is true that installing a data center is very ideal for large and small businesses, the large investment that can be incurred in the process could also make a businessman think twice about his options.

In colocation hosting, you have to set up your own servers, storage, and network equipment just like the other customers are doing. Other colocation companies, however, offer their own servers for rent, as well as other equipment used in colocation. They even have their own IT specialists which you can also hire for an agreed payment scheme of your choice. This means you can rent the servers and IT staff to maintain your web hosting for a cost and other benefits you can choose from the packages they offer.

In managed hosting, providers offer not just the dedicated server, but many of the management services that you can offer to customers. You just need to check the level of bandwidth provided and compare it to your needs to see if it matches what you really want. Bandwidth is really the big issue here, as the bandwidth you can offer to clients may not be the type of bandwidth your business needs to run the system very efficiently and reliably.

These are the top 3 reasons why many businesses today have decided to upgrade their current managed web hosting to colocation web hosting.

1. More control: Colocation providers reveal that they are giving customers more control of their data and other critical business applications. Even when your data is protected by other companies, such as colocation centers, you still have more control over this data.

2. Improved uptime – In one colocation, uptime has improved, so it’s really very tempting, especially for small businesses. You have to remember that smaller companies have a very limited budget for technology upgrade. For this reason, smaller companies prefer to sponsor placement if you can also provide the kind of quality service they expect.

3. Abundant Bandwidth at Lower Cost: Colocation centers offer customers abundant bandwidth, so it really is very tempting for many businesses. It is one of the problems of managed web hosting companies that due to limited bandwidth, they are unable to maximize their plans and programs. What is most tempting here is the offer of lower cost colocation centers despite the fact that they offer abundant bandwidth. Basically, business owners who are up to date with today’s technological advances would not hesitate to switch providers if they find out that the new system for monitoring critical data and other business applications can be done by others at a very affordable cost.

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