Health Fitness

Recommended daily carbohydrate intake for easy weight loss

Foods rich in carbohydrates such as bread, sugar, nuts, potatoes and rice are essential foods that we must take since our body needs them to stimulate body growth, energy supply and general brain development. For example, our brain works mainly on carbohydrates. If we decide to eliminate carbohydrates from our diet today, we will tire easily and may not achieve our goals set for the day due to lack of abundant energy in the body.

However, when we consume carbohydrates in excess and our work is not the kind that requires a lot of labor, our body tends to convert these carbohydrates into fatty lipids that end up in our arteries and lead to the creation of fat. As a result, we often feel confused about the recommended daily carbohydrate intake that would give us good health and reduce our weight. In other words, as a living being, how many carbohydrates should we consume in a day? Does consuming too little or too much carbohydrates affect us? The fact that we are affected by consuming too many carbohydrates has already been established and we are also affected by eating too little. So what is the way out? How do we make sure we get the correct ratio of carbohydrates on a daily basis? The truth is, there is no quick answer to the question, but carbohydrate intake should focus more on the question: when should I eat carbohydrates during the day and what types of carbohydrates should I take?

Naturally, the amount of carbohydrates you need to take on a daily basis must consider variables such as the type of work you do: a farmer who works on the farm in the sun may require more carbohydrates than an office worker who watches DSTV all day in the office . . The other factors are; What is your insulin resistance? Do you exercise regularly? What is your target body weight? Etc. Based on this, you can recommend a daily carbohydrate intake plan for you, but in general, it is better to take carbohydrates in the morning and if you are on a fat loss diet, you do not need more than 100 grams of carbohydrates in a day. .

The second point is that it is better to eat from healthy sources of carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, greens, etc. You should avoid as much carbohydrates as possible like sugary snacks, white bread, pasta, cookies, etc. For example, choose fresh fruit over candy or cookies. It will go a long way towards stabilizing your health.

Although some folks have advocated eliminating carbs from our eating plan, I seriously believe this is a short-term weight solution. We simply need the correct metabolism by burning food. That way we can curb our carbohydrate intake and stay fit.

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