
Planning the cutest ballerina party ever!

Does your little girl want to be a sweet and beautiful ballerina? So, make this dream come true on her birthday! Turn your sweet birthday girl, as well as her little guests, into dancing princesses with this fantastic ballerina-inspired party plan. Get your camera ready for a cute girls’ day in tutus and ballerinas!

Turn your place into a sweet ballerina haven!

To turn the party area into a nice sweet ballerina paradise, make sure you have plenty of pink! Also add a touch of white, purple and silver. The next thing is to decorate the front door with beautiful wreaths that match the theme. The crowns will be a nice welcome for the guests at the ballerina party. Also, indicate the location of the party.

Hang lots of streamers in the Ballerina color scheme. Chain lots of pink and white helium balloons! This will only make a very ‘great’ statement! Also place a large mirror in the party area. In this way, young dancers can see how cute they look in their ballerina outfits. Remember to decorate the mirror with stars and glitters.

Cover the party table with a ballerina-themed tablecloth. For the centerpiece of the birthday table, fill a large bowl with soft gemstone rings. Tie some heart-shaped Mylar balloons to the birthday chairs. Spread a good amount of confetti on the table.

Send out the cutest ballerina invitations!

For a cute ballerina party invitation, take a photo of your little girl in her best ballerina outfit, standing in a ballerina position. Use the scanned version of this photo to place on the front of the party invitations. This is sure to please your little one!

On the invitation, write a simple message that you will like the little guests to come wearing your ballerina attracts. In the RSVP, mention that they need to let you know if they don’t have ballerinas or tutus so you can provide them to little girls who need them.

Have some cute ballerina party favors!

Cute ballerina party favors include Angelina Ballerina necklaces, bracelets, rings, tiaras, lip glosses, ballet stickers, ballet tutus, and books. Little guests are sure to love them!

Put on some fun ballerina birthday party games!

There is a wide range of cute games that your tutu-clad guests are sure to enjoy. A perfect example is Magic Star Relay. Create four large stars out of gold colored cardboard. Then divide the children into two equal lines and give the first child in each line two stars. These stars are the only things they can step on as they travel from the front of the line, around a chair, and back to the line again. With the ‘GO!’ signal, the girls should place a star on the ground and step on it. Then they place the second star on the ground and step on it. As they step on the second star, they pick up the first star and make it their “springboard” again. This continues until the dancers finish their relief stage. Then they must deliver the two stars to the next player in line. The group that crosses the line first wins!

Another is the balloon dance. Tie some inflated balloons with long strings to the girls’ wrists, waists, and ankles. Then turn on the background music and let the children dance. This could be a fun ruckus as the contestants have to try to pop the other dancers’ balloons. They must also be extra vigilant as they must protect their balloons from others.

Have a jewelry box decorating activity too! Purchase a jewelry box craft kit from a party or craft store. Then, let the ballerina party guests decorate their own boxes with glitter, stickers, and jewelry. With this great ballerina party plan in mind, you are sure to have your precious little girl and her guests celebrate like true ballerinas! For more fun and interesting party theme ideas, stay tuned for my next party theme ideas articles!

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