Vegetarian Recipe – Oatmeal Steak and Mushrooms

Vegetarian or not, come this way, this is so silly. This recipe is vegetarian, so carnivores may want this with a beef, pork, or any meat steak. This is not a recipe for vegans though, I haven’t gotten there yet unless I load up on veggies and fruit. Hears! what a concept, vegetables and fruits. One should always remember the […]

The key to personal finance

Extra effort in managing personal finances will result in a more positive use of personal resources. With achievable and realistic goals, the financial situation will improve in a very short time. However, on the part of the person concerned, this requires proper planning and follow-up. There is also a need to assess at some point to see if the stated […]

How to develop self-confidence and increase your self-esteem

Confidence is the certainty about your abilities and the expectation that those abilities will lead to a positive outcome. Self-esteem is a realistic respect or favorable impression of oneself, a sense of respect for oneself. If you’re like most people, your self-confidence could improve from time to time. Often when your self-confidence is low, your self-esteem can suffer as well. […]

Problems that indicate you need a garage door repair

You’ve done all the hard work to find a good service provider to install garage doors in your residential or commercial building. So it’s only natural that you would entrust the security and maintenance of these doors to a professional, unless the problem is so minor that you can fix it yourself. There are many articles available on the internet […]

Fresh Ideas for a Work Triangle in the Kitchen

A suitable kitchen work triangle depends a lot on the size and shape of your kitchen. You can choose classic work triangle or modern work triangle depending on your kitchen requirement and design. You may have multiple appliances in your kitchen, but their proper arrangement and placement is very essential. A good work triangle helps create a proper layout where […]

Poet or narrator?

The Poet is a rare animal, they are the conduit for Lost Souls, Forgotten Souls and Souls who had unfinished business here on Earth. “Poetry is the reflection of a soul long forgotten” by Ven Bunce. Many people think that poetry is just sitting down and putting stories in rhyme, and in some cases it may be, but poetry is […]