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Overcoming Despair – How to Get Through the Dark Times in Your Life

Overcoming despair when facing dark times is possible no matter how dire things may seem at this point in your life.

Feelings of despair arise as a result of feeling powerless when facing dark times. If you’ve lost your job or lack the finances you need to pay your bills or buy groceries, feelings of despair and anxiety can take over. But you don’t have to let them do it.

Use the following 3 steps to help empower yourself so you can overcome despair in dark times.

Step #1 – Turn on the light of hope

You feel desperate because you have lost hope that everything is working in your favor. Let the light of hope shine on your situation. There is always a way out of every situation you face. But if you allow the cloud of despair to hang over your mind, it will be difficult to see the way out or receive the light in the form of inspired ideas and wisdom that will get you out of this dark tunnel. Hope brings peace and peace empowers you.

Step #2 – Ask for what you want

Quiet your mind so you can think clearly about what you want. Once you have a clear picture of what you want the result to be, ask for what you want. This process makes your mind stop focusing on how bad things are to see the solution of how good things can become.

This mental shift in your thought process puts you into a different vibration so that you can begin to attract what you want into your life experience. Asking for what you want is very powerful, but you must ask with the mindset of seeing the results you want, not what you don’t want. And when you ask, ask with the expectation that you will receive an answer.

Step #3 – Let go and relax

Let go of your frustration. Let go of your despair. Relax your mind so that you can think clearly and be open to the answer coming to you and recognizing it when it appears. As you go about your day, pay attention to what’s in front of you. Ask yourself, “What can I do to get the results I want? How can I look at this situation differently? What can I do differently?”

What you’re doing here is changing how you respond to your situation and you’re coming from a place of empowerment.

Hope gives you courage to face another day.

Asking for what you want shifts your attention to resolution mode.

Letting go and relaxing changes your vibration so you can start attracting what you want and asking the right questions instead of focusing on the wrong things and recreating more negative energy that comes from despair.

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