
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – OCD and Always Washing Your Car

Do you feel like you have to wash your car all the time?

Are you afraid that if you don’t wash your hands, people will think less of you? Do you do it to the point where it makes you miserable but do it anyway? If so, you have OCD, my friend.

However, there is no need to worry. This is why. It’s great to have a clean car. After you’ve cleaned the car, say out loud to yourself, “I’ve cleaned my car and I won’t do it again for a week!”

This may be very difficult for you as I know how it is because I used to wash my car almost every day.

I want to be the first to say that there is no shame in wanting a beautiful car, I know. But when it gets to the point where it disrupts your daily functioning in life or to the point where you do it out of fear because you think something bad might happen, then this is OCD and you need to stop or limit yourself.

The best thing you can do is have someone else do it just once a week and find a passion you can focus on. Remember that anything in excess in nature is bad and washing your car too often will wear down the paint and waste a lot of time.

Take action: The next time you feel like you have to clean your car when you know it’s clean, ignore the urge and tell yourself you don’t want to damage the paint or waste time.

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