Health Fitness

How to go from Skinny Joe to Muscle Jock

If you feel like you need to get bigger, but you can’t build muscle no matter what you do, don’t worry, you can get bigger if you follow these simple steps. There are 3 body types in men and if you are slim by nature, your body type is classified as ectomorph. I bet you’re a little taller than most of your friends, you eat everything your friends eat and then some and still don’t see an ounce of fat on you. This is because your body type naturally does not retain weight. Some people would die to have this kind of body. You have the opportunity to wear fitted shirts and you have more options in clothing and you look good. If you’re sure you want to get out of your t-shirt, here’s how you can pack on lean muscle.

His approach will be different from any other approach that normal people have to follow. With your body type, you don’t have to worry about adding fat, so you don’t need to watch your diet as closely, and you don’t want to do grueling cardio either. You focus on consuming more daily calories than average and lifting a lot of weight, making sure you feed your body exactly what it needs to repair and build muscle.

Take a look at your current daily lifestyle, if you are very active then you will really need to focus on your diet, making sure to drastically increase your calories. Scoffing ice cream and eating potato chips will increase your calorie intake, but this is the unhealthy way to add calories to your diet and you will suffer internally. Get yourself a good quality Mass protein shake. These types of shakes give you more calories than a regular protein shake and are free of unhealthy fats and salt. Look for the ones that say MASS or weight gainer.

The average daily caloric intake for a man is 2,500 calories. Consuming this amount won’t work for you as your body will burn it off, so aim for 4,000 calories a day, or more if you can. You have to be eating constantly, have a big breakfast and eat throughout the day. You can afford to eat fast food if you need to get those calories, but try not to rely on junk food for your calories. Peanut butter is great for adding calories, so get your calories from high-protein foods like chicken and tuna, and don’t be afraid to eat carbs. A little trick to keep calories down is to eat at night, our bodies naturally slow down at night so make sure you eat at these times, have a weight gainer shake before bed too as we burn calories while we slept. .

Your workout should consist of high-intensity training using the 3 main muscle-builders, which are squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. Skip cardio until you get the gains you want, and then add cardio to shred it. So eat like a horse, get a weight gainer shake, consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, and train like a beast.

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