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How to get the most out of your kitchen design

Deciding on a new kitchen is a big decision and one that most families make only once in a decade. With this in mind, it’s crucial that you make the right decisions to ensure that your new kitchen is a dream instead of a nightmare. Shopping for sleek cabinets and state-of-the-art appliances is all very well, but your kitchen will only be as good as its design. Big or small, getting the design right can make a world of difference to your finished room. With Kitchens Brisbane, this can be easily achieved. Here are some hints and tips on how to get the most out of your kitchen design:

the galley kitchen

Galley kitchens are often found where space is limited and are often long and narrow. In a galley kitchen, all the cabinets and appliances run the length of one wall.

Planning Tips:
o Choose multifunctional appliances whenever possible to save space (eg, a washer-dryer is a much better option than trying to fit 2 separate appliances).
o If possible, opt for built-in appliances, as this will give a much more uniform look in a long, narrow kitchen.
o Try to keep all your appliances under the counter, as this will give you a more spacious prep area. Microwaves can be mounted on stands, again freeing up counter space.
o Keep the hob and sink together.

the double galley

The double galley kitchen is similar to a galley kitchen but has the cabinets and appliances along 2 facing walls.

Planning Tips:
o Full-height cabinets and appliances should be kept at one end of the counter to maximize space.
o Make sure that the distance between the work tables (or cabinets) on each side is at least 40 inches.

The L-shaped kitchen

In the L-shaped kitchen, the cabinets and appliances are usually located along the adjacent walls. This is a particularly good shape for a kitchen and can be adapted for many different purposes.

Planning Tips:
o Try to keep your refrigerator, oven, and sink no more than 3 feet apart.
o Use one leg of the L for cabinets and appliances and the other for your dining table.
o If corner areas are hard to reach, visit one of the larger kitchen dealers for a variety of imaginative storage solutions.

The U-shaped kitchen

In the U-shaped kitchen, cabinets and appliances occupy three walls of the room.

Planning Tips:
o Be sure to maximize available space, especially in corners.
o Position your refrigerator toward the end of a table run for easy access.
o Make sure the location of cabinets and major appliances does not allow open doors to obstruct other units or areas.
o Invest in quality lighting. Kitchens Brisbane offers a great range of kitchen lighting systems and these can make a world of difference to the overall look of your room. U-shaped kitchens tend to be darker than other designs, so it’s worth saving some of your budget for lighting.
o Add interest by including a cabinet or two with glass doors to allow you to display your crystal or other glassware.

Just ask us at Kitchens Brisbane and we can design a kitchen to suit your needs.

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