Real Estate

Home improvements: conserving water in and around your home

Do your part and conserve our precious water!

With another hot, dry summer approaching, many cities and municipalities are introducing new water conservation measures in an attempt to reduce water use during the dry summer months. To this end, many are beginning to install water meters for billing purposes and are moving from a flat rate system to a user payment system. This tactic seems to make sense because why should a house with just two people pay the same for water as the house next door that can have a family of six that uses a lot more water?

As more and more pressure is put on our water supply systems, we will have to be much smarter in using things like water that we have taken for granted for so long.

How can you make a difference?

Here are some tips that can help make it easier to use less water …

Check for leaks

As you closely watch your water consumption, it is important to ensure that the water does not run off due to undetected leaks in your system. Many undetected leaks allow water and your money to go down the drain. To help detect invisible leaks, check your water meter (if you have one). Some homes can waste more than 10% due to unknown water leaks and this waste of water costs both you and the environment.

There are several reasons why you might want to have your water meter tested. First, you may be interested in how much water you use per day. By reading your meter at the beginning and end of the day, you can compare the two totals to determine how much water you and your family used. As you and your family begin to incorporate water-saving measures, you can easily see how much water you are saving.

The second reason is to check for water leaks. You can tell if you have a leak by turning off all the taps in your home. Next, take a look at your water meter and if you see that it is still spinning, you probably have a leak somewhere.

Toilet leaks

Toilets are a common source of inadvertent leaks. If not detected, hundreds of liters of water can be wasted every day. Leaks often occur when components are worn out and need to be replaced or adjusted. Here are some simple tips to tell if your toilet is leaking:

– Listen for the leaks. If you hear the sound of running water, your toilet is leaking.

– Add food coloring or dye to the toilet tank and wait 20 minutes. If colored water appears in the toilet bowl, there is a leak.

Replace your old toilet, the biggest consumer of water in your home.

If your home was built before 1992 and the toilet has never been replaced, then you most likely don’t have a water-saving 1.6 gallon per flush toilet. You can check the date stamp inside the toilet by lifting the lid and looking on the back of the toilet for the make, model, and manufacturer’s date of manufacture.

Faucet leaks

Remember to check all faucets and pipes periodically. Be on the lookout for leaks and quickly replace faulty parts. A leaky faucet can waste as much drinking water in a single day as the amount needed to sustain one person for an entire week.

Replace your clothes washer, the second largest water user in your home.

Energy Star rated washers that also have a water factor of 9.5 or less use 35% to 50% less water and 50% less energy per load. This saves you money on your water and energy bills.

Irrigation system leaks

Another big waste of water can be leaks in your irrigation system. Fix sprinkler system leaks quickly and check for water in gutters or mud puddles. Inspect your sprinklers and drip sprinklers regularly for leaks during the day, as the optimal time to water is at night, when you cannot observe leaks. If you have an older irrigation system, more than 50% and even more than 75% of the water can be lost through leaks.

Plant the right plants with proper landscaping and watering

Whether you are installing new landscaping or slowing down the current landscape change in your home, select plants that are appropriate for local weather conditions. Having a yard with a 100% grass lawn area in a dry climate uses significant amounts of water to keep the lawn green.

Water only what your plants need

Most of the water is wasted in your garden by watering when your plants don’t need the water or by not maintaining the irrigation system. Be on the lookout if you are manually watering by setting your oven timer or some other reminder to move the sprinkler quickly. If you have a sprinkler system, make sure your sprinkler controller has a rain shutoff device and is properly programmed. Most of the water is wasted in the months before or immediately after the rainy season, when intermittent rains occur.

Water saving products

Many of us are reluctant to take some water-saving measures, such as low-flow shower heads, because they don’t deliver the performance we’re used to. Finally, there is a solution to the shower problem that you can adopt without sacrificing comfort or convenience. You may want to replace your existing shower heads with the Oxygenics Skin Care shower head in all of your bathrooms. The Oxygenics Skin Care shower head can reduce water consumption by up to 70% and leave you with a shower that meets or exceeds your expectations. Many five-star luxury hotels equip the showers in all rooms with Oxygenics showerheads so that they can provide hotel guests with a great spa-like shower while saving thousands of gallons of water every day for the hotel due to the low flow function. Oxygenics has developed a proprietary method of introducing air / oxygen into the water stream to create a spa-like experience.

Another win-win situation that can bring you comfort and save water can be achieved by installing something called the Autocirc Pump. Have you ever had to run hot water from the tap for a few minutes while waiting for the hot water to reach the tap? If so, you may want to consider an Autocirc. The Autocirc is designed to circulate hot water through your home’s hot water pipes so that there is an instant supply of hot water when you turn on the faucet, thereby eliminating the need to waste all the water that runs through the tap. drain while you wait. so that the hot water arrives.

Remember, with so many ways to save water, do your part. Every drop counts!

It’s that easy!

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