
Don’t let your email lists get cold

Many bands and musicians do a great job of getting email addresses at a show, on a tour, or even exchanging a free MP3 for an email address.

But they let the list cool by sending them just two emails a year.

One promoting your new album or tour and then another on Black Friday because you hope to sell some merchandise.

A big problem musicians have when emailing that list is that they say “Oh, I don’t want to spam or annoy you.”

But you need to remember a few things …

If someone gave you their email address, they are essentially giving you permission to contact them again because they want to hear from you. So you shouldn’t feel like you are bothering them when you send them an email.

The second thing is, if you only email your list to promote things, you’re basically like that friend we all have who never stays in touch and only sends a message when they want something.

And that’s exactly what you’re doing when you come out of nowhere and try to sell your album via email.

This person may have been drunk on your show and doesn’t even remember how they got on your list in the first place!

So what you need to do is send weekly emails to people.

Take advantage of the fact that you are a musician in a band and are living a life that most people will never experience.

They don’t know how to write songs, or what it’s like to go on tour or play a show in front of people. They really have no idea.

So what you can do is instead of sending them promotional emails every week. You can send an email saying “Hello, we are working on a new song, here is a video of our rehearsal space.”

Or check out this crazy story from a show we hosted this month. You could even start a conversation with them and ask them about their favorite band. Try connecting with them!

It doesn’t have to be long, maybe 200-400 words, or you could even just link to a video if you don’t like typing. But keep that connection with your fans so they are eager to see your name in their inbox. It keeps them “hot”.

So when you want to promote an album or sell merchandise, they will be much more likely to open your email and buy from you because they like you.

Growing your fan base is about building and maintaining relationships. When you have an email list, you can do it very easily in just about 20 minutes per week.

So if you haven’t emailed your list in the past few months, send them some love today.

If you want to set up a way to build your fan base and sell your music with a predictable online system instead of spending years on the road.

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