Legal Law

Did it get really intense and then fade away from you?

If you’ve ever experienced a man getting really intense with you because you were connecting and then disappearing, I know it leaves you confused.

You watch his behavior and wonder why he doesn’t like you anymore. Boys disappear for many reasons. 95% of women don’t know that when a guy gets strong, they need to back up and stay at least two steps behind him.

Most women spend hours responding to a man’s attention. They will do things like talk on the phone for hours or spend all day texting because the man makes them feel special and important. If you are doing this, a man’s attention is making you feel desirable, but sooner or later he will become emotionally drained and withdraw.

The trick is to back off before he does. When you stay a few steps behind him, it will be much easier for him to have the comfort of your connection without feeling overwhelmed. You should never respond to a man or your boyfriend with the same intensity with which he responds because this makes men withdraw. Women often don’t understand this and many are left completely heartbroken when a guy decides he’s going to pull the plug.

Your boyfriend or the man you are dating will be more interested in you when he sees that you are not as anxious because you will always appear confident and sure of yourself when you allow him to lead the relationship. Backing off doesn’t mean you have to play dumb or agree with everything he says, it just means you’re not jumping around like a sugar-high schoolgirl and making him think you’ve never tasted anything this good.

If it seems like your guy isn’t into you anymore, your throwback has to be even bigger. You can’t make it seem like you like him when he shows no signs that he likes you. In this case, you have to match his actions.

The rule is, when he is interested in you, take a few steps back with your actions and when he shows signs that he is losing interest, make it seem like you are not that interested either. I know you want to know how to win him back if he has rejected you, but your emotions will make you look more of a fool if you keep showing him that you are still in love with him when it is obvious that he is not.

Your best bet is to use logic and this has a way of getting a man’s attention faster than acting on your emotions.

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