Rottweiler characteristics

The rottweiler Origin: Rottweil Germany Colors: Black with clearly defined tan or mahogany markings Bred for: Watchdog and Cattle Herder Coat: Thick and short coat Head and skull: the head is of medium length, the skull is wide between the ears. Temperament: Good-natured, not aggressive, nervous or vicious. Brave, obedient, with natural protective instincts The Rottweiler with strangers is generally […]

Cat behavior problems

Is cat discipline possible? People often ask me if it is really possible to train cats. Cats are intelligent animals and they will learn new behaviors much faster than you think. Many people find it hard to believe that cat discipline is possible, but despite its independent nature, it is possible to teach a cat that a particular behavior is […]

Poodles as perfect pets

So, you have decided to become a Poodle parent! Congratulations! Poodles are precious dogs that date back to the 15th century. Once used primarily as hunting dogs, poodles have become a popular family favorite around the world. Today, poodles are not just pets; They are also service dogs for the disabled, as well as participants in competitive obedience and agility […]

What to do if your dog or cat has a fever

If your dog or cat has a fever, you are probably very concerned and have several questions. In this article I will reveal the most common causes of fever in dogs and cats, as well as the signs that you should know. Then I’ll go into the top 5 remedies that you can use right away to help ease your […]

Time to get the best computer tech support

In this paperless age, we are increasingly dependent on computers for our daily work, both in the office and for personal work. Like any other device at any given time, even computers can crash and paralyze all your work. As a result, you will have to hire an efficient agency or individual who can come to your rescue and fix […]

"HAVE" Human species

“AI” … of the human species! “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Several years ago, you may remember a post that describes our increasing reliance on machines, devices, and “AI.” On several occasions, I have tried to raise awareness about this phenomenon of the abilities of artificial intelligence to create and / or recreate itself … over and […]