50s hairstyles

Hairstyles from the 1950s emphasized traditional gender roles. While women’s hair was long, curly, and high-maintenance, men wore their hair in shorts, military-style cuts, or pulled down and away from the face. Men’s hair touching ears went against the grain and was even illegal in some parts of the US. Movie stars like Elizabeth Taylor, Lauren Bacall, and Marilyn Monroe […]

Ten quick business lunch etiquette tips

Knowing what to do when meeting a prospect for lunch or going to lunch with the boss or a colleague can be confusing at times. Here is a quick list of items to remember: 1. Be in the present moment with whoever you are with. Limit looking around the room. It is a sign that you are looking for something […]

The Best Ways to Raise TDV Awareness

A 2011 survey shows that 23% women Anyone who has ever experienced rape first experienced some form of intimate partner violence between the ages of 11 and 17. A great way to raise awareness is to wear custom silicone wristbands! Prevent TDV with increased awareness It is in adolescence when many young people start a relationship. At that young age, […]

Natural Mineral Makeup – Advantages and Disadvantages

Recent years have seen an increase in the number of people using natural cosmetics, especially those switching to mineral makeup. The benefits of mineral makeup have been widely discussed, and most women have tried it at least once. Mineral makeup is lightweight and therefore a very good alternative to conventional heavy makeup types. While it’s true that mineral-based makeup works […]

Tips for choosing a standing desk

Obesity and heart disease are two of the leading causes of death among Americans today. Both diseases can be related to a poor diet and lack of exercise. In today’s environment, we spend most of our time sitting at home or in the office, and we don’t spend enough time being active and on the go. Sitting too long has […]

The true meaning of snakes in a dream

The symbol of the snake in a dream refers to many things. The color of the snake plays an important role in decoding this symbol in the dream. Seeing snakes coming your way or following you down a path says a lot about a person’s sexual feelings towards you. Only when the snake transforms into a human form, one will […]