Weight Loss Myths That Sabotage Our Progress

There are five nutrition myths that can and do sabotage many of our weight loss goals. This is what we know so far: Myth #1: Good weight loss programs need to be complicated, with special charts and graphs, and calorie cycles. Limit what to eat and when to eat based on your specific metabolic type/blood type/birthstone/horoscope sign. FACT: The simpler […]

The Inner Workings of Proform Elliptical Machines

If your purpose for exercising is to lose weight, weight-bearing exercise should be considered. Otherwise, you’d need to work out four times as much by doing non-weight-bearing exercises like swimming and biking, which aren’t as efficient for weight loss programs. It would also take the same amount of time to receive the same benefit from running or using an elliptical […]

Treadmill Walking and Other Great Treadmill Workouts

Home treadmills are great for losing weight, toning muscles, and staying in shape. You can start with a slow walk on the treadmill and then a brisk walk on the treadmill and then move on to more exciting exercises on the treadmill. There are many different treadmills with a variety of programs such as interval training, number of calories burned, […]

How to recover from cheating on your diet

Depending on how much weight you have to lose, you must be willing to stay on a diet program long enough to see results. For real fat loss, this could mean 10-12 weeks or even longer. This is an arduous process for both beginners and dieters alike; There are no tricks or easy ways to lose body fat other than […]

How to grow sprouts with the Biosta seed sprouter

So you want to learn how to grow sprouts. It’s not hard, and it’s actually quite interesting to see that a tablespoon of organic broccoli seeds turns into enough broccoli sprouts for a salad in 5-6 days. Mung beans are also great for salads, but require an upright-style sprouter. The Biosta seed sprouter is a good sprouter to start with […]