Business process improvement: creating internal controls, tools and metrics

To bring a business process to life, beyond simply drawing a map, it is necessary to establish internal controls, create tools that increase its efficiency and develop metrics. These elements make the process real for others. Internal controls: use them to identify points in the business process where mistakes can occur and explain how to prevent them. Without internal controls, […]

Dental – Orthodontic Marketing – How To Test Your Website SEO On Google – Can Patients Find It?

Can you afford to turn away new patients in today’s economy? Using correct HTML keyword code on your orthodontic marketing website is key to attracting potential new patients to your website on Google, the only search engine that matters. Keywords are related to the words and phrases that patients type in search engines to find it. No matter how good […]

HTML Troubleshooting: Bulleted Point Lists

Bullets are a great way to allow readers to scan a page and quickly find the information they need. This is important for websites, as it only takes a few seconds for visitors to search for what they want. If the information is not found quickly, readers will move to another website. Some web pages contain a lot of information […]

How To Improve Your Google Ranking: Invaluable Secrets From An SEO Expert

Ignorance is not a blessing in online marketing. Common mistakes by inexperienced entrepreneurs can result in poor sales in large part because few people visit your website. Why? Because little to no effort has been invested in website search engine optimization, probably the most important aspect of having a website to date. If you have a website, you probably know […]

Four inexpensive ways to market your business and find your ideal customers

All business owners know the importance of marketing. They know that having a solid marketing strategy is the key to winning new customers for their business. Customers are key components to the success of any business. Without clients, who provide the much-needed finances that help your business prosper, your business is doomed. So the burning question on the small business […]

How to add personality to content

One of the fundamental principles of content marketing is to keep readers interested in your content. There are numerous methods you can use to do this, but one way that has proven highly effective is to give your content personality. However, if you want to create content for your website that is entertaining, you may run into writer’s block while […]

What exactly is a janitor?

Although more and more people are becoming familiar with the term “concierge”, very few know where this profession based on customer service originated. The word “concierge” comes from the French Count Descierges, the “keeper of the candlestick,” a term that referred to the servant who catered to the whims of visiting noblemen in medieval castles. Eventually, the name “concierge” came […]