Ten Ways to Increase Group Participation in Team Meetings

Leaders have found that meetings in which team members openly communicate about business issues and participate in problem solving produce better results than those in which people sit down and listen. There are different levels of participation in meetings; the most desirable is a fully interactive environment. Voting in a meeting to make decisions is a level of participation, but […]

5 Blog Traffic Sites With Over 750 Million Visitors!

What is supply and demand blog traffic? Supply and demand blog traffic it’s just that. Also known as establishing a common need. Which is done through commitment. And the options are endless, from groups and pages to communities and forums. There are several techniques for creating traffic. Taking advantage of the popular blogs Y Blog sites for example. Drive traffic […]

7 great reasons why you should post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Marketing for Small Businesses LinkedIn Marketing for Small Business is becoming increasingly popular because it is a fast growing platform and the largest professional network in the world with hundreds of millions of users. Posting regular and valuable content on LinkedIn helps build trust between you and your contacts and helps you be seen as an expert in your […]

What kind of live streamer are you?

“You take this too seriously,” a viewer once wrote during a live broadcast show. At first, I was offended. After all, his point was valid. People can just jump on the live stream and have a good time. It breaks the boredom and monotony of our lives because with the push of a button we can go live and have […]

Historical Dictionary of Hong Kong Cinema

Filmmakers and moviegoers interested in more than a century of Asian cinema can find what they are looking for in this new reference book. Lisa Stokes, a humanities and film professor who also wrote “City on Fire: Hong Kong Cinema,” includes enough background information to educate newcomers, while adding a wealth of academic knowledge to enlighten movie lovers. devotees, industry […]

What is your sustainability IQ?

Do you know your sustainability IQ? How sustainable is your organization? Do you know where you have your greatest strengths and organizational assets? Do you know your risks and how to minimize them? And do you have a roadmap to build your sustainability? Building sustainability is critical in today’s challenging fiscal, programmatic, and public policy environment. This article will provide […]