Can Masseter Botox Before and After Improve Facial Symmetry?

Masseter Botox Before and After Improve Facial Symmetry

Whether it’s the result of the recent social media craze or something completely different, many women and men are obsessed with their jawline these days. Whether they are looking for ways to reduce the appearance of an overly pronounced square-shaped jaw or want to give their face more of a V-shaped contour, masseter Botox injections are all the rage on TikTok, where videos of reshaped jawlines have amassed upwards of 50 million views.

The procedure works by injecting neuromodulator botox into the Masseter botox before and after, which is located on the side of your lower jaw and controls chewing and the raising of the jawbone. It can become overdeveloped in some people for various reasons, including teeth grinding or clenching, overuse of chewing gum, and genetics. Botox relaxes the muscle and causes it to slim down, resulting in a more oval-shaped jawline.

Depending on the individual, results may not be immediate but can take up to a week to show. Some patients find that they need additional treatments for a more sculpted jawline, while others can achieve their desired look with just one treatment. The number of sessions required varies by person, but typically ranges between three and six months apart.

Can Masseter Botox Before and After Improve Facial Symmetry?

There is a small chance that bruising or swelling could occur at the injection sites, but these effects generally resolve on their own in a few hours. It is important to follow the after-care instructions and avoid excessive facial manipulation or rubbing the area. This can shift the Botox and cause uneven results, so be sure to follow your provider’s recommendations. In addition, it is recommended that you apply a wrapped cold compress intermittently to the injection sites to speed up recovery and minimize pain and swelling.

While Masseter Botox can help slim down the jawline and give the face more of a V-shaped contour, it cannot address fat or sagging jowls. If you are bothered by these issues, other nonsurgical options, such as KYBELLA or injectable dermal fillers, can be a better fit.

If you’re interested in undergoing masseter Botox to slim down your jawline or alleviate TMJ-related problems, be sure to seek out an experienced provider who has extensive experience with the procedure. They will be able to evaluate your skin and jawline, discuss your expectations and medical history, and recommend the best option for you.

Be sure to research your provider and visit before-and-after photos of other clients to get a sense of the quality of their work. You’ll also want to choose a clinic that is doctor-led, since this is a medical procedure that requires a physician’s oversight. This will ensure you are getting a safe and effective treatment that delivers the results you expect. For the best possible results, it is recommended that you undergo masseter Botox treatment at least once every 3-6 months to maintain your slimmed-down jawline and alleviate TMJ-related symptoms. It is also a good idea to schedule your appointments in advance so you don’t miss out on the opportunity to achieve the results you desire.

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