DIY Slow Computer Repair

Has your PC been running slow lately? Does it take longer to start or open programs as time goes by? Searching for the problem on the Internet, are you overwhelmed by the mass of conflicting information trying to solve your slow computer problem? If you’re like most people, your frustration level is so high that you’d gladly pay $50 or […]

Modern style elements

Unlike country-style interiors, where accessories and accents are ‘layered’ to produce a charming messy effect, modern style is all about minimalism. In the absence of objects there is space, and this space itself is a design element. Open spaces automatically draw your attention to the few pieces that are used, from a sleek streamlined chair to a bold swirl of […]

Electric Vehicle Challenges to Wide Adoption

It’s fun to watch a Tesla car glide down the road and know it’s fully electric; still, the industry has a long way to go before electric cars can compete on consumer price, before widespread adoption is fully feasible. Trust me when I say I’m not against EVs, I just see a lot of challenges: cost, weight, subsidies, efficiencies, range, […]

Readability Metrics: Are They Getting Your Message?

What is “readability” and why is it important? According to the encyclopedia, “Legibility is a measure of the accessibility of a piece of writing, indicating how broad an audience it will reach. Legibility is a judgment of how easy a text is to understand.” [Wikipedia 2006] Because it is important? Well, out of all the confusing uncertainties about whether your […]

Can massage chairs help with weight loss?

This question seems like a dream if the answer is yes. Wouldn’t it be great to just sit in your massage chair and lose weight? However, life is never that simple. Massage chairs can help in the weight loss process. The true path to weight loss includes eating right and exercising consistently. Massage chairs can aid in weight loss by […]

Pilates Modification for Osteoporosis

Dos and Don’ts of Osteoporosis Maintenance of bone density is achieved through long-term routine loading on our bones, which will return to pre-training density when exercise is discontinued. To better keep what you have and avoid further loss, follow these rules: DO exercise with foot weights every day. The other day an osteoporotic client in the studio asked her why […]

Inspiration: the cure for what ails us

Here we are! The economy is in a big mess; banking is collapsing, health care is in crisis, education is a joke, and almost everywhere one can look, old structures and established ways of doing things are crumbling before our eyes. That’s just the “big picture”. What about your individual life? Where are you right now and where would you […]