
Your first marathon – The final hours

Here it is… the day you have searched and trained for has finally arrived! It is the end of a long path of dedication and preparation that in many cases is littered with moments of physical and mental anguish. If you’ve run miles in training and followed your marathon training schedule to the letter, well done! Your first marathon will be one of the most rewarding days of your life. It’s going to hurt, it’s 26.2 miles after all, but you’ve pushed yourself and you’re ready for it! Here are some helpful tips on what to do the night before and in the hours leading up to your marathon.

Fear of the unknown is a very important factor if this is your first marathon, but it is important to avoid stress. A positive state of mind and an iron will is just as important as the physical training you have done. Self-confidence is of the utmost importance when running a marathon. Simple things like visualizing yourself crossing the finish line and accepting your race medal are useful techniques to help you finish that race. You will have accumulated a great reserve of mental strength during your training, so now is the time to stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize.

It is vital that you are fresh and rested on the day of the marathon. I know from experience that it can be difficult to sleep the night before a marathon. Dreams and often nightmares about what the big day holds can wreak havoc on your sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to have enough sleep in reserve to combat this. If the race is on a Sunday, make sure you get enough sleep on Thursday and Friday, that way you’ll still feel good on marathon morning, even after a night of tossing and turning.

If your chosen marathon is far from where you live and you have to travel, it is advisable to have some details worked out in advance. First of all, book a hotel or hostel that is close to the starting point of the marathon. Find out the route from the hotel to the starting line and calculate how long it takes to get there. This will allow you to be a bit more relaxed on the morning of the marathon, as you won’t have to worry about being late. A hotel within walking distance is perfect, as the walk will gently warm up your muscles before your pre-race stretches. This is advisable because the tibia muscle is more flexible and will respond better to stretching and mobility exercises. You should request a wake up call from the hotel reception, but don’t rely on it. Set the alarm on your phone too, it would be unthinkable to sleep late on the marathon day you have trained so hard for!

One of the most important tips I can give regarding marathons is to have all your gear set up the night before. Do not leave the preparations for the next morning, because on the day of the race you will already have something to worry about. Set your race number and timing chip to your equipment according to the exact instructions you have been given. Whatever you do… don’t forget to pack your Vaseline!! Chafing can make your marathon hell, but Vaseline rubbed liberally on the nipples and inner thighs can help minimize this horror. If it’s cold on the morning of the marathon, use a trash bag or old sweatshirt at first so you can stay warm after you’ve handed in your gear bag. These can be discarded before the starting gun. Once again, do all of these preparations the night before.

When it comes to pre-race nutrition, it’s important to stick with what you know. The last thing you want at this stage of life is an upset stomach. You’ve probably been carb-loading for the week leading up to the marathon and your meal the day before should also be made up of mostly starchy carbs. This food should be eaten sooner rather than later so that the digestive system has time to process it. Also allow enough time in the day to eat a small meal. I have found that a bagel with peanut butter and banana is a perfect choice. At the risk of sounding crude, you’ll want to have a bowel movement before the race.

The most stressful time of all your preparation for the marathon will be the hour before the starting gun. Try to relax and enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by thousands of runners, all hungry for the same goal. The atmosphere is electric! They are all in this together! Once you’ve made sure you’re hydrated and have warmed up and stretched, there’s nothing left to do but wait for the starting gun. All the work is done. Enjoy your first marathon experience, because if you’re like me, it will be the first of many!

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