
Tinnitus: Pronounced Tinn’-It-Us Vs Ta-Night’-Is?

How we pronounce a word is certainly not the most important issue in the world; however, to talk about this terrible scourge of tinnitus (ringing in the ears), I think I should at least mention where the name originated and its correct pronunciation.

We in the United States and North America pronounce many of our English vowels differently from our friends in Britain. Even the Oxford English Dictionary and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary do not agree on the correct pronunciation of the word tinnitus, so I will defend my personal preference, also accepted by most ear specialists worldwide. My preferred pronunciation is “tinn’-it-us”, with emphasis on the first syllable: “tinn”.

The Latin root of tinnitus is the verb tinnio, tinnire meaning “to ring.” The ending “-us” indicates the masculine form of the Latin word.

One consideration is that, for consistency, when a vowel is repeated in an English word, it is usually pronounced the same way each time. For example, each “i” cuts into the word living. Or each “e” cuts into the word effervescent. Or each long “i” in the word, iritis (pronounced eye-right-us). This is not a hard and fast grammar rule, but it does serve to illustrate a point here.

In the alternate pronunciation of “ta-night’-us”, the first “i” is pronounced like the short “i” and the second is pronounced like the long version. Furthermore, it seems that to justify this pronunciation, the ending of the word would more properly be “-itis”, as in “tinn-itis”. As in the case of arthritis or appendicitis, the addition of “itis” to the end of a word in medical terminology indicates inflammation. For example, arthritis means inflammation of a joint, pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharynx, and dermatitis indicates inflammation of the skin.

Tinnitus is a symptom rather than a physical condition of an anatomical structure of the body. Inflammation is not usually associated with tinnitus. Adding the “-itis” sound to the root of the word “tinnire” for “sound” would translate to “inflammation of the timbre.” I find this inappropriate, so once again I prefer to call it: tinn’-it-us. One person’s opinion.

Perhaps we should move on to much more important questions, such as what is tinnitus, what causes it, and what can be done about it. Millions of people around the world suffer from this devastating affliction. Most patients learn to “get used to” the noise. This means that their brains develop a habit of ignoring noise, even when it is present. Some get so anxious about their incessant noise that they become suicidal. Others discover ways to eliminate the source of the unwanted sound.

As a former tinnitus and hyperacusis (sensitivity to loud sounds) patient, perhaps the most important message I can convey about these conditions is that the patient has many viable options. Contrary to what many doctors tell their patients, much can be done to help these people. There are many valuable treatments for tinnitus. In some cases, a cure for tinnitus can be found. The patient must be made aware of her options. Tinnitus is a medical condition where self-education is essential to achieve the desired result.

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