
The Millionaire Courier – Book Review!

Book Review: “The Millionaire Messenger” by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard’s “The Millionaire Messenger” is a great read. It tackles the complex issue of how, in the information age, everyday entrepreneurs can join the ranks of recognized experts and make a living sharing their expertise with the world. The book builds three central arguments.

The first is that your life story, your experience and your message, the things you know or have learned from experience, have greater importance and market value than many might imagine.

The second is that each of us is here to make a difference in the world and the best way to do that is to share what we know and have learned about the world with the world.

The third is that you can get paid to share your knowledge and, in fact, you can make a very lucrative living by helping others succeed.

The reality is that ours is an information-based society. People pay for information all day every day. It is also well known that people do not do business with companies, they do business with people they know and trust. With the availability of the Internet and social media, it’s easier than ever to build an audience and develop a community of loyal followers who will listen to your advice and buy your recommended products and services.

Brendon develops the “expert” lifestyle as one with these characteristics:

Your work is entirely based on your passion and knowledge.

Your work activity is focused on interacting and creating

You work anywhere and anytime (from now on)

You work with who you want

Your promotions are based on your promotions

Your salary is equal to the value you deliver, not the hours you work

You don’t need a big team

The tools for success are simple and cheap

Financial income can beat other industries

The trick to surviving as an expert is to give, give, give, and then give some more. All experts (those who last) freely give of themselves and their information. Brendon observes, “that if people spent as much time worrying about how to make a difference as they do about how they can make money, they would soon find themselves rich beyond belief.”

In The Millionaire Messenger, a guru is defined as “One who spreads light and wisdom.”

To become an expert or advice guru, Brendon clarifies the following steps:

• Claim and dominate your theme

• Choose your audience

• Discover the problems of your audience

• Define your story

• Create solutions

In addition, it paints a picture of the road to riches that contains the following pillars of activity”


· Speech




online marketing

And finally he describes the key steps to financial success as:

• Create a low-priced information product

• Create a low price subscription program

• Create a mid-level information product

• Create a high level multi-day seminar

• Create a high-priced training program

So there you have it. The messenger mindset embodies the following principles:

My life experiences, message and voice are valuable

If I don’t know or don’t have it, I’m going to find it or learn

I won’t let my small business make me petty

Student first, teacher second, servant always

Dominion is a way of life.

The Millionaire Messenger is a book that can put you on the path to becoming a recognized expert in your field and financially successful. In short, a great book and much to think about.

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