
The History of Honda’s Classic Acura

The classic Acura was one of Honda’s biggest bets. Japanese vehicles had a reputation for being economical above all else, putting function before form. So when Honda launched the Acura in the Western market, it took a while for the sense of shock at seeing a Japanese luxury vehicle to wear off. Some might argue that the classic Acura design made an impact that never really subsided. After all, the arrival of the Acura heralded the launch of more Japanese luxury vehicles in Western markets than had been seen before.

Debuting in 1986 after nearly ten years of development and design, Honda launched the Acura, which became a hit. In 1990, Honda announced plans to expand its research and manufacturing operations in the US, the company’s primary market for classic Acuras. At the same time, plans are underway on how to launch the Acura in other markets, such as Canada and Europe. In 1991, Honda successfully launched the Acura on the Hong Kong market, integrating new technology into the design to improve performance. Unfortunately, design problems led to slower sales in the mid-1990s, prompting Honda to cut production and attempt a major redesign of the vehicle’s overall design. At the same time, however, the import tuner niche market was drawn to the Acura because it was easy to modify.

Classic Acura designs finally got a facelift in 2000, doing away with what many described as bland design elements. The new designs, combined with technologies to improve performance and fuel efficiency, and reduced costs, allowed Honda to once again make Acura one of the leading import luxury vehicles on the market. Combined with the preserved ease of modification that attracted car tuners in the previous decade, the effect was an early revival of the initial strong showing the Acura made when it was first introduced to the market. Later models followed the concept of a luxury vehicle at an affordable price, with good features and some customization options. So far, the strategy has been successful.

In 2004, classic Acura designs were refreshed in the Acura TSX for the European market. In addition to the improved design and internal systems, it also received four-wheel drive and a 4-cylinder engine. Minor modifications were made to make the Acura TSX more suitable for the European market. The new design was well received by the market and quickly became one of the leading import luxury cars on the European market at the time.

However, certain features, such as rear-wheel drive and V8 engines, have become prominent among the classic Acura’s competitors. Honda currently remains adamant about keeping the design simple yet elegant, combined with functional technologies and systems. While opinions vary, there is some concern that the latest models haven’t been as easy to tune as the older ones. Some speculate that Honda will have to rethink the design of the classic Acura once again to keep up.

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