Legal Law

The cost of the surrogate mother

When couples are unable to have children, they have to reflect on the phenomenon of investigating the cost of having a surrogate mother. Such problems have vast and extensive details. People demand prices and scenarios and situations always vary, which makes it impossible to give exact figures of the cost of a surrogate mother. However, we can review the common expenses that come from surrogacy by accumulating a few additional expenses.

As we said, the rate surrogate mothers charge varies depending on the circumstances. However, the average costs include a sum of USD 18,000. Other women can do this for a lower price; while women who are skilled or experienced surrogate mothers, call them what you will, can charge more. Please note that the standard rate listed above does not include any medical fees or the cost of food and vitamins that couples are required to provide.

The other thing is that if a surrogate discovers, through an ultrasound, that there are multiple babies inside her womb, she will add an additional cost of $5,000. This can only be discovered after 12 weeks when ultrasound scans are done on the mother.

Both parties have to sign a mutual contract, which means that when both parties sign these contracts, there will be an additional fee to pay the lawyers. The standard legal fee is generally rounded up to approximately USD 5,000. So the pregnant woman requires a psychological evaluation: these costs are around USD 5,000.

Once the surrogate mother becomes pregnant, her body expands, which means she will need new clothes. These clothes include larger clothes as well as maternity clothes. The cost of such clothing is around USD 750. Traditional insemination for a traditional type of surrogacy costs USD 500.

Then there are the factors that the couple must take care of – for example, when the mother drives to the doctor or uses public transport to do so, the bus or gasoline fares add up to a figure of approximately USD 50.

If there are additional invasive methods such as DNC, cerclage, FUC or amniocentesis, there will be more additional costs of 500 USD. If you choose to go for gestational surrogacy, the transfer will cost you around 750 USD.

In case the surrogate mother produces multiple fetuses during the pregnancy, selective reduction may be an option. The procedure consists of extracting other fetuses, leaving only one. The fee for such an operation costs about USD 2,000.

If at any time the mutual parties decide to abort the baby, the fee consists of USD 2,000. In the case of a C section, the amount will add another USD 1,500.

If you hire a surrogate mother through an agency they will charge you a commission of 12,000 USD – and if your client is foreign you will have to pay an additional 1,000 USD.

There are other small payments included in the process of raising a child in the womb of a surrogate mother. And they vary from circumstance to circumstance. But to summarize all the costs on average, the total digit amounts to USD 40,000. The figures stated above are general and should be taken as a guide and not as a precise means of calculation. The procedure of contract details and negotiations with surrogate mothers could be lengthy. However, the article is to give you a general idea about the cost of a surrogate mother in general terms.

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