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Psychic Predictions and Intuitive Impressions of 2013 Breakup

In 2013, paradigms break and tradition doesn’t hold up, the same things don’t matter to people and can “be real” about what makes sense now. Our collective concept of time is changing … now we are more focused on the present, more with the goal of meeting each day in a conscious way than following New Years resolutions or some theoretical construction of how life is supposed to be. Nature clearly reveals the consequences of our individual or collective follies.

Really worth it be determined and optimistic and assume that you can move on with whatever is new in your life; otherwise it’s easy to get scattered by the flying debris of the 2013 breakup. The end and the beginning are together … we will all choose What to pay attention to!

Early 2013, it is beneficial to check off the to-do list that your goals and dreams generate. People can prepare to earn more money at the beginning of the year.

get to work building something. This is not a good year to be in doubt and debate, but in action … see if something works by learning about it and trying it out.

People are eager for new things. and you will quickly attract people about your quality offerings, innovations and adaptations. Don’t be afraid to start a new business because there are so many of them. If you have a valuable offer, you can be successful!

(If 2013 were a person with an emotional character)“… how surprisingly relaxed! He was much less stressed than now, he seemed more in touch with the art of life than with fighting. What I remember of his momentary flash was a simple, lyrical and lighter way of being in what people could become. People are more willing to start over, to do something better. Even those who have a lot of losses, it is not a feeling that lasts throughout the year. If something very heavy has happened and you are having to rebuild, for October there is a breakthrough, you put yourself on a new base, more in the present and you feel under the sun again.

Rules for living for a personally productive 2013:


Simplify a bit more.

Be willing to cut your losses (then you are choosing joy).

Keep things simple in communications; it is easy for everything to get very complicated this year.

Follow the urge to purge yourself.

2013 emerges with a forceful creative energy that can either empower or decimate. It works wonders in the lives of people skilled in handling power and responsibility. At the other extreme, people who create confusion can seriously lose their balance in the 2013 energy field.

No pink glasses: What doesn’t work really breaks down, there’s no question about it. The truth of any matter is in absolute relief, like the Dustbowl showing farmers what causes disharmony with nature.

Catch the magic: 2013 is very magical and the magical guys get going. If you stay focused on the goals that inspire you, you are on the magic wavelength of 2013. Finding what inspires you may just require a review of the existing structure or a reinterpretation of your role.

Collective Manufacture of Magic: Popular coalitions of people form deeper ties. More individual networks are connecting … a deeper community and grassroots system is forming. Many people in different areas want peace and progress … they gain power as their numbers grow.

Powerful moves: In many places, power changes hands forcefully and clearly. The conflict, violence and fighting continue. The freedom movements are gaining momentum and there are many displays of courage.

The American economy: Something has been left behind, it is a new beginning, fairer rules are being worked on. (Written on Dec 21, 2012, probably the fiscal cliff and the debt ceiling.) Energy is an important topic and there is a great energetic discovery.

Spiritual development and personal growth: 2013 brings out the strength of people to handle the most difficult parts of themselves, to integrate and accept: there is a greater truth. There will be new therapies and new types of relationships. The threads that bind love and all its permutations are released.

Far: More people have experiences with angels. More people feel in direct communication with extraterrestrial beings (from outer space).

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