
Natural lighting is much better than artificial light

Sunlight is a free resource and it is one that could be used more in our homes and offices. By making use of this free light, we can reduce our electricity costs and reduce carbon production. In this modern age of electricity consumption, anything we can do to reduce it is worth it. Having lots of strategically placed electric lights can be aesthetically pleasing, but it will make a big difference to your electric bill. Also, electric lighting is not as pleasant or as pretty as sunlight.

There are so many benefits to natural light that it has been shown to reduce the onset of SAD, which can be a real problem for sufferers during the winter months in northern climates. Of course, you can buy special daylight bulbs that can alleviate the problem, but it would be better to make use of the gifts of nature. Natural light also improves mood, which in turn makes people happy, and happy people make for a productive workforce and a healthier population. There are several documented health problems with artificial light, some of which include headaches, tired eyes, and depression.

Natural light enhances your home by making rooms appear larger, brighter and airier. You can improve the flow of natural lighting in your home by using skylights. Skylights can be put up relatively easily, and you’ll be able to regulate the amount of light received by using blinds, shades, or curtains. The angle and size of the skylights determine the amount of light it will receive. Thought should be given to which rooms would benefit the most and obviously you don’t want your east facing room to have large skylights as this will wake you up too early during the summer months.

However, careful placement and the use of skylights that open for additional ventilation can make a bedroom feel really light and fresh. Your kitchen and bathroom can be transformed using skylights. These rooms can be rejuvenated, and indeed your bathroom can have an expensive spa-like vibe through careful placement and use of skylights. Entry halls can be made to look more welcoming and living rooms can look bright and elegant. Virtually every room in your home can be enhanced by making use of sunlight.

There are many different types of skylights and you should discuss with your contractor which one would best suit your needs and what is actually possible to do. Think about what you want to achieve with your skylights and, in addition to highlighting the most used rooms, try lighting the darkest rooms first. Take care when fitting skylights in bedrooms, after all no one really wants to wake up to first light during the summer months as it can be around 4am in the UK. By making the most of daily sunlight, your home can be transformed through the thoughtful use of skylights. Not only will you and your family benefit, but your houseplants will thrive as well.

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