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Meaning of life – What do we live for?

This question about the meaning of life may seem a bit silly to you. After all, the world is just what it is. ‘We live and then we die. When we are dead, we are dead. I could be fascinated by the things that happen in my life, but not see any deeper meaning or meaning in them.

However, some people get quite discouraged by the idea that life is meaningless. One of those people was a major figure in 20th century literature, Franz Kafka. For example in his novelThe proof‘, the idea of ​​justice becomes elusive and seeps in. The defendant is not even told what his offense is supposed to be. The concept of fairness no longer adds to anything meaningful.

But is it true that existence itself doesn’t really add up to anything? If there is any point to being alive, what could it be? What do you live for?

Individual differences and meaning of life.

Clearly, each of us finds different things interesting, pleasurable, or satisfying. Consequently, I like to write, she likes sports, he organizes parties. But are any of the things we love important enough to inspire our lives with meaning? To motivate us to get out of bed in the morning with a steady stride, to keep us going through tough times without giving up, to provide meaningful purpose to what we do?

Some of our motives connect and some don’t. You may want to decide which pleasure in your life is paramount and gives it the most meaning. Choose your option.

Pleasure as meaning of life

Do we live mainly for pleasure? For example, the excitement of the last sexual encounter, drinking an extra glass, laughing or living as if there was no tomorrow.

Power as meaning of life

Getting away with it can be a great interest. I mean, no matter what the problem is: just feeling in charge and in control of the situation can be what turns us on. Whether in the context of home or work. So we may want to rise to the top of an organization to rule the roost. Alternatively, as a middle manager, ensure that subordinates agree with our ideas and carry out our instructions to the letter.

Social status as meaning of life

It’s hard to forget about money. Some of us think too much about it. How to get more. Being worried about planning a promotion or a better paying job or a loan. All for the sake of buying fancy clothes to look good, an expensive car to impress, or a house in an upscale neighborhood that others can look up to.

“There are many people in the world who feel that if they had a bigger car, a nicer house, better vacations, a more understanding boss, or a more interesting partner, then their life would work out. We all go through it. We slowly wear out most of it. of our ‘if only’.” (Joko Beck, American Zen teacher)


Communicating socially and enjoying time with friends can be fundamental to our lives. Most significant might be the warm glow and emotional security of personal privacy. Important are family occasions, romantic moments with a partner or simply sharing the ordinary tasks of life in the context of a mutual care relationship.

Being a mom makes me feel complete and that I understand the meaning of life.(Rebecca Romijn, American actress)

A social cause as meaning of life

For some, the most important thing in their life is to promote a social cause. Being active members of, for example, an ecological, social justice, or political movement could give life its primary meaning and purpose. Fighting what they see as a ‘just war’ may be something worth dying for.

improve mood

Responding to self-knowledge could be what gives meaning to life. Being honest with yourself and being kind to yourself can be an important focus. This implies an opening to one’s own weaknesses and strengths and not falling into self-deception. By cultivating this state of mind, life is seen as a personal challenge. Whatever the external circumstances, one sees an opportunity to become a different person. Someone who experiences inner well-being, peace and contentment.

Some people have a regular meditative or spiritual practice to help change their thinking. The focus could be on consciously reacting to any event. In other words, try to emotionally distance yourself from attachments to the things of the world. Don’t be affected by the impulses of the moment. You are not emotionally dependent on things going well all the time.

The ego and the meaning of life

Here the central concern in life is spiritual transformation. It is based on the insight that there can be no deep meaning to life if we are continually self-oriented in what we see and do.

Instead, the person wants to quiet his ego. This is practicing self-control and not putting self-interest first. Rather, be willing to give up your time for the good of others. It is in line with the spiritual teaching of ‘agape’ found in the Christian gospel. Not a form of love based on what we can receive from someone, but rather a form of compassion for the benefit of those in need. Being a good Samaritan, loving your neighbor, feeding the hungry, comforting the sick, welcoming the stranger.

“Mother Teresa was asked what the meaning of life was, and she said to help other people, and I thought, ‘What a strange thing to say,’ but maybe that’s the right thing to say.” (Jesse Eisenberg, American actor, author, and playwright)


Terry Eagleton – a distinguished British literary theorist – has pointed out that, for many religious believers, the meaning of life is not a ‘what’ but a ‘who’. The way they see it is that whatever they are trying to do for good cannot be accomplished on their own. For them it is more meaningful to pray and cooperate with what they see, as the divine Being of love and wisdom. A transcendent power that they find deep within consciousness, as well as beyond human limitations.


It seems then that the meaning of life depends on who you are and what you want. Do you know what you live for?

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