Real Estate

Making a first impression when selling your home

So you’ve decided to take advantage of the boom in the housing market and put your house up for sale. As you know, buying a home is the most important purchase a consumer can make.

So it’s understandable that when potential buyers walk by your house, your house is scrutinized like never before (well, not since you bought it anyway!). Everyone knows you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so consider implementing the following cost-effective tips before welcoming any potential buyers.

Consider the view that people see when they first arrive.

To make sure you don’t send any potential buyers running down the driveway before they see the house, make sure the exterior of the house is immaculate. Paint or wash as needed and don’t forget to mow and fix any outdoor vegetation.

When they enter your house, what will they see?

If you have a room that makes a statement when you walk in—perhaps the walls are painted a very bright color or the furniture style is eclectic—potential buyers may have a hard time imagining their own things in the room. A fresh coat of paint in a neutral color is an inexpensive but proven technique to increase the curb appeal of any home. A clean, fresh smell makes a good impression. Try placing air fresheners in closets to eliminate musty odors. The smell of freshly baked bread also carries a long way. Don’t overdo it, though: not everyone likes the strong scents of potpourri or incense. Of course, it goes without saying that clean and shiny equals a sale. Scrub, wipe, wash windows, walls, floors and tiles and shampoo dirty carpets, leaving no stone unturned.

Clean under sinks, fix any leaks, and clean up any damage.

Use special cleaning agents to remove stains from toilets, bathtubs, and sinks. If you have a lot of stuff, it’s hard for potential buyers to look around to see the room. Put away any miscellaneous items, making sure to keep your garage, basement, attic, and closets tidy. This will make your house look more spacious and clean. Make the necessary repairs. If the skirting around the cabinet is loose, for example, take out the hammer or glue and fix it well. Are your cabinet door handles wobbling? If so, take out the screwdriver and tighten them. Potential buyers don’t want to have to take care of a lot of little things when they move in and they may be subconsciously noticing all the little repairs.

In the end, they may reject the house because they believe that all the minor repairs will be too much work for them. By implementing these simple tips, you can ensure that your home will be off the market in no time!

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