Shopping Product Reviews

Log Home – Make your house look like a log house!

We all know that the economy has made us change our plans and goals. Some of us wanted to build a log home and enjoy the log home lifestyle but as the economy took a nosedive we are forced to save money and upgrade the home we have rather than build a new one.

Many companies offer products that can help make your stick-built house look like a log house. In fact, some of these products achieve this look so well that it would be difficult for the average person to tell if the house is built with logs or with a frame.

One of the most common methods that people use to update their home is to replace the siding on the exterior of their home. By installing a log siding product, the homeowner can achieve the external appearance of a log home and begin the transformation. Log siding installs much the same as other siding methods and is, in many cases, comparable in cost. While I would certainly recommend hiring a professional to do the log siding installation, many do-it-yourselfers can do the installation themselves. I’ve included the basic steps below, but check with each manufacturer and follow their installation instructions. Many manufacturers require their process to be followed exactly or you will have no warranty protection.

  1. Start by carefully measuring the exterior of your home to determine the amount of coverage needed. (most log siding manufacturers and retailers can quote it per square foot)
  2. Measure the size and number of your windows and doors. We don’t need to buy log siding to cover them, and we will need to buy trim boards to go around them before installing the siding.
  3. Choose the style of log siding you prefer. There are many options and each one has its pros and cons.
  4. Decide if you want to put false corners or log ends in your house. These pieces provide the traditional walk-through log look that we associate with log homes. (one option is to use corner boards which will give your home a wood frame look)
  5. Remove the old siding from your house. This will include any trim in the corners and around windows and doors.
  6. Wrap your house with house wrap. This will help reinforce the “envelope” of your home and save energy in the future.
  7. Apply a sealer or stain to all log siding, corner pieces and trim boards. I recommend doing this on all sides of the product. (some manufacturers do this for you at their factory)
  8. Install trim boards on all your windows and doors.
  9. Starting at the bottom of the house, make a level line using a laser, chalk line, or level to use as a guide for installing the first piece. This will ensure that you have a good starter row to work from.
  10. Install the corner boards or the first end of the log in a corner.
  11. Measure and cut the first piece of siding to achieve a perfect fit between the corner and the first door trim, or the opposite corner.
  12. Do steps 10 and 11 on the opposite side of the house.
  13. At the ends of the house, install the first row between the 2 rows you just installed.
  14. Continue this procedure working around the house until complete.
  15. Be sure to check the siding with a level every other row to make sure everything stays level.


Each time the siding pieces meet, cut the ends at a 45 degree bevel so they overlap. This will ensure a good appearance for years to come.

Next, we’ll talk about how you can change the interior appearance of your home to complete the Log Home look.

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