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How to WIN BIG in 2006

Let’s take a look at the end result of a researcher who interviewed 1,500 business school students and classified them into 2 categories:

Those who were in it for the money, 1,245 of them, and those who were going to use the title to do something they cared deeply about, which was the other 255 people.

20 years later, the researcher reviewed the Graduates and found that all but 1 of those 255 people, who had dedicated themselves to what they loved to do, became millionaires.

The key that unlocks the doors of simplicity for you and your business “at every level” is mastering the art of caring deeply about the dynamics of your business, one piece at a time.

In his world famous book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey talks about the highest levels of communication. (Some of the world’s brightest business minds refer to them as their bible.)

In this book he masterfully explains Empathetic Communication, where you seek to understand and then be understood. The point is: if this level of communication has already been shown to be extremely explosive…

So doesn’t it… …just make natural logical sense” for you to communicate with your company on an empathic level?

Let go of the money and go “energy” or paint your personal Picasso one single stroke at a time.

Take small massive steps that in the end are colossal steps towards simplicity.

One of the most fundamental laws ever revealed by psychology is: that it is completely impossible for any human mind, no matter how brilliant, to think of more than one thing at a time.

The point is: Yes, you have bills. Yes, you have to have dinner in 10 minutes. Yes, someone in your family is not well. Yes, your business is not doing well. Yes… Yes… Yes… There are and always will be things happening.

BUT the name of the game for financial freedom is for you to take “simple” steps and really care about trying to better understand your business or your craft every day, no matter what.

Worry about trying to understand a part of your business better than you did when you woke up. Sounds pretty simple, right? Right. In Einstein’s words, “If it’s not simple, then it’s not real.”

As people, events, and more get in your way (and they will), be careful to never react or defend against anything for the good of your business.

In other words, emerge into what is truly real. Never take your eyes off the ball in terms of understanding your craft getting better, one piece at a time.

If you take “not real” for what it’s worth and “real” for what it’s worth, then you’ll effortlessly and naturally build a very profitable business in 2006.

As in Dale Carnegie’s incredible book: “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”, Dante said: “This day will never dawn again. Life is slipping away at an incredible speed. We are racing through space at the rate of nineteen miles every second. Today it’s our most prized possession. It’s our only safe possession.”

One piece at a time immediately places you in this moment.

Thinking about money is the future. The future and the past will never give you a penny. Emerging into your personal craft “in the moment” is where your energy, financial freedom, and well-deserved joy reside.

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