Health Fitness

How can I stop snoring at night? 3 easy ways to prevent snoring at night!

There are so many people who snore so loudly and continuously in their sleep that their partners sleep in separate rooms to get a good night’s sleep. Not only that, there are many whose relationships have been broken by chronic snoring. That’s why so many people ask ‘how can I stop snoring at night?’ Well, here you are about to discover 3 easy ways to prevent snoring at night…

It’s always good to understand why something happens to better understand how you can prevent it from happening: Snoring occurs when the soft tissue of the airways vibrates due to the force of passing air as you inhale and exhale while sleeping. .

But this doesn’t happen when you’re awake, does it? This is because the position of the soft tissues is controlled by the various muscles in the neck and throat. However, when you are lying down sleeping, your muscles are relaxed, and in some people, the soft tissue can slip into the airway, partially blocking it. When this happens, the air has to flow faster and it also becomes turbulent. This causes the soft tissue to vibrate, causing snoring sounds.

So to stop snoring at night, you need to prevent your airways from becoming blocked. There are several things you can do to prevent this, including surgery, but surgery is always the last resort. And there are special anti-snoring aids or devices you can get that can cure your snoring as well. However, there are some things you can do yourself, even before looking at these other remedies. Here are only three…

1. Do not eat meals close to bedtime. Food takes a long time to digest, so if you eat late, the food stays in your stomach. This puts pressure on the diaphragm, which puts pressure on the airways, helping to restrict airflow and causing snoring. Therefore, your last meal should be at least 3 1/2 hours before bedtime.

2. Avoid alcohol before bed too. Alcohol eventually acts as a depressant so it relaxes the muscles and the senses. And as you have seen above, this can lead to snoring at night. It can take at least 2 hours for a small glass of wine to leave your system. Therefore, do not drink alcohol within 3 to 4 hours before going to bed.

3. Lose weight! I’m sorry to mention this, but someone who is slightly overweight is more likely to have a snoring problem than someone who is not. This is because overweight people generally have more fat/meat around their throat and chin, making it more difficult to control their muscles. When you lie in bed, the soft tissue constricts your airway and causes snoring.

These are three home remedies for snoring that you might want to try at home before spending money on any stop snoring device. However, if they don’t work quite right for you, or you find it too difficult to change your lifestyle, then anti snoring aids like snoring pillows, stop snoring mouthpieces and chin straps etc. ., can be very useful. effective.

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