
Ghostbusters Halloween Costumes

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If you just shouted your answer, congratulations – you are among an elite force of Ghostbusters fans, the same fans who propelled a little old 1984 movie into a major media franchise with three sequels and countless Halloween costumes and costumes. Ghostbusters isn’t just about slogans and costumes – it’s a blast from the past for an entire nation, an enduring pop culture legacy.

Lets start by the beginning. In 1984, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Bill Murray teamed up to make a movie about ghosts. Originally intended as an epic sci-fi adventure, budget constraints caused them to be lowered. The dialogue was improvised, the effects were faked. Comedy was added.

Someone, somewhere, dreamed of the giant marshmallow man.

The plot is simple: a trio of unemployed paranormal scientists decide to run their own ghost hunting business. They give up their prestigious life for a retired fire station and struggle to make ends meet as they investigate the strange and ghostly belly of New York.

A chance encounter with a sensitive spot leads to demigods, cult leaders, and a plot to destroy the city. When they save the day, the Ghostbusters become heroes.

The ghosts themselves go down in history.

The ghost logo, the slimmest, the giant marshmallow, they were all immortalized on everything from action figures to Halloween outfits. Not only did the public love them, but they have become a favorite Halloween trick-or-treating option almost everywhere.

If you were looking for Halloween costumes, 1984 was the year you were a Ghostbusters, everyone seemed to be dressed up in the Ghostbusters Halloween Costumes, which made for not only a scary night but a lot of fun.

Even now, the Ghostbusters legacy lives on. It has novels, comics, merchandise, amusement park rides, and half a dozen video games. There’s a live-action sequel and two animated spinoffs (and rumors have circulated for years that the directors want another movie). The fire station has become a tourist attraction.

Halloween costumes have had the biggest push, offering children and adults the opportunity to become their favorite ghosts or ghost hunters.

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Ghostbusters was made on a budget of $ 30 million. It went on to earn nearly $ 300 million and became one of the famous movies of all time. A fun little movie about ghost hunters, it slipped, bathed, screeched, smoked and stomped on our hearts in the Halloween costumes that stayed there for over two decades.

One thing’s for sure: Halloween costumes weren’t that fun before Ghostbusters.

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