
Get Your Boyfriend Back: 7 Reasons Why Men Leave Women

If you want to get your boyfriend back or your ex back, or if you want to know more about how to keep the boyfriend or partner you have, you should know the 7 reasons why men leave women. You might think it’s because men judge the women they reject for being too fat, too thin, hair too short or too long, or any of the long list of physical traits women often obsess over: teeth? not white enough? Hair not shiny enough? Breasts not big enough? – but these superficial reasons are not, for most men, at the core of their value system in deciding whether girlfriends or wives are the hot bed of the moment or the lovers and companions they want to be with forever. No, it turns out that men, in general, are not so shallow. It is the following deeper traits and personality flaws that ultimately send men off the hook.

No matter what they claim, these are the real reasons why men leave women:

1. Because they scold or are bossy. This is the number one reason men say they dump women, claiming that more than any other behavior, it’s annoyance that drives them crazy, with Bossy Nag being the star of their most chilling relationship nightmares. The annoyance is so irritating because it reminds them of necessary yet boring tasks that they are fully aware they need to do, but not right now. The smart woman’s alternative is to agree on who will do what, apply a deadline only if it’s truly critical (like submitting tax forms by the end of April or else the feds will drop), and leave it up to of your partner. get the job done her way, when they intend to do it. If they clearly never intend to do it, hire someone who needs the job to do it. Or do it yourself. Or learn to ignore it.

2. She tries to make it better Men often seem to be diamonds in the rough, don’t they? But, be careful, love them as they are with only the minimum and the greatest tact to improve, or risk the consequences.

3. Is she kind and caring? And, before she yells “Stereotype!” remember that no man can resist the woman who makes him a sandwich (or two) exactly the way he likes it, without being asked, and then lets him watch football (hockey, baseball, basketball, the Indianapolis 500) without saying a word while he enjoys it.

4. Is she moody, mean, even violent, or does she just seem to be on an emotional roller coaster? OK, the truth is that women tend to have, as a group, what we might call a broader emotional range than most men. And yes, hormones may have something to do with it. biological truth. But boys hate tears, because they confuse them. They don’t like being called in to troubleshoot (whatever caused all the excitement) without a good understanding of what the problem is. It tends to make them sixteen and up. And who, in their right mind, really likes people (of any gender) who are petty and deliberately hurt others? It’s just not attractive, behavior wise.

5. No common interests Opposites may (initially) attract each other, but it is common values ​​and interests that build true company. Without that, relationships fizzle out early.

6. Men throw women who want to run to the altar Yes, there are men who want to get married and who want to have children soon; and women who are quite content to ‘just live together’ for years, with no desire to marry or have children. That said, men find women who push, for love, for commitment, for the princess wedding, to be too pushy. And they have a point. The dating phase is when you should be enjoying each other as you learn more about him, without the pressure of planning a wedding or any pressure at all.

7. She’s a turnoff And here we have the real reason why men leave women. They are no longer sexually attracted to the woman they are with, but they can’t tell her because it would be too painful, they would have to try to explain it, or just because they are cowards when it comes to delivering bad news. could result in tears. How can it be, their devastated and recently dumped girlfriends will ask, that they loved me last week, but not now? What has changed? I can’t tell you, but there it is. Men pursue women who interest or intrigue them. They want to be with them, they want to have sex with them, they want to spend time with them, and they are proud to be a couple. But not. With men (unlike most women) everything is pretty much black and white. They love you, or they don’t.

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