Lifestyle Fashion

Gallbladder problems

Could cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal surgery) be the new trend or fad in medicine today? When I was a child, the most common medical question I was asked was “do you have tonsils?” Then it became “do you have your appendix?” And now it seems to be, or at least is becoming, “do you have a gallbladder?”

When Rock was knocked down with a “stomach ache” and diagnosed with a gallbladder problem, I began to take notice. I’ve had friends comment for years about his gallbladder aches and pains, but I never noticed because he wasn’t “me” like in my family. He’s closer to home now, so I’m looking into this situation. Once you start paying attention, you realize how many people have had their gallbladder removed.

According to, more than 500,000 cholecystectomies are performed annually in the US While the incidence of gallbladder disease has remained fairly constant, according to, the yield of cholecystectomy has increased dramatically. Laparoscopic surgery revolutionized cholecystectomy and the treatment of gallbladder disease. That approach was introduced in the US in 1989 and is now one of the top 10 surgeries performed in the US.

Are cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) and gallstones further evidence of the problems of the modern Western diet? I suspect so. I would like to briefly explore what types of gallbladder problems are, what causes gallbladder problems, and what options are available to help you feel better again. I don’t expect any absolute findings, but I do hope that enough information is exposed to help you before you have problems with your gallbladder.

The gallbladder, a 3 to 4 inch (7 to 10 cm) pear-shaped organ, tucks under the liver in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Stores bile, the digestive fluid produced in the liver, as a backup source for the liver’s storage capacity. It’s like a dead end with a pathway (bile duct) in and out. Bile from the liver is used to help digest foods, especially fats. Removal of the gallbladder is done using a laparoscopic procedure called cholecystectomy. And it seems to be done frequently. Is it the right choice for Rock? At 86?

What can go wrong with your gallbladder? Here is a list pulled from various online resources:

  • gallstones in the gallbladder (cholelithiasis)
  • gallstones in the bile duct (choledocholithia)
  • obstruction of the bile ducts, impaired bile flow (cholestasis)
  • cancer
  • polyps
  • inflammation or cholecystitis
  • bile reflux
  • disorder of the gallbladder where it does not empty easily (biliary dyskinesia)
  • inflammation of the bile ducts (cholangitis)
  • hardening of the bile ducts (primary sclerosing cholangitis)

It seems like there are a lot of things that can go wrong with your gallbladder.

There are four general causes of gallbladder problems which include gallstones, infection, injury, and tumor. Long labor, diabetes, hypothyroidism, being overweight, food allergies, and ethnicity can also affect your chances of having gallbladder problems. The symptoms, which usually occur after a meal, especially a large or fatty meal, can include:

  • constant, severe pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, just below the ribs
  • pain that radiates from the abdomen to the right shoulder or back
  • tenderness of your abdomen in the area of ​​the gallbladder
  • indigestion, complete with belching/gas/bloating/heartburn
  • chills/fever/sweating
  • nausea vomiting
  • constipation or diarrhea
  • loss of appetite

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, 90 percent of gallstones are asymptomatic, meaning they are not causing any problems that the patient is noticing, and for the first ten years of having gallstones, there is only one very small chance (2 percent) of developing pain. Your chance of developing symptoms decreases after ten years for some unknown reason. However, if he has a problem, you should get it checked out because there can be serious repercussions if you ignore the “discomfort.”

What can you do to avoid gallbladder problems? I found several approaches, most related to diet. Dietary solutions can be roughly categorized into a diet that potentially causes problems, a cleanse, and a diet that supports healthy gallbladder function. The jury is out on whether a cleanup really makes a difference, and it’s not without its own potential problems. made a striking comment: “The main risk factors for gallbladder disease include a sedentary lifestyle and a diet high in refined sugars. In genetically prone individuals, these two factors lead to abnormal composition of the bile, altered intestinal microflora and hyperinsulinemia, with consequent formation of gallstones”. It sure sounds like a western lifestyle to me. So potentially a lot of us are at risk here. They go on to say that regular aerobic exercise, eliminating harmful foods, and substituting unrefined carbohydrates for refined carbohydrates may be helpful in reducing the risk of gallbladder problems.

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