Lifestyle Fashion

Features to look for in a golf umbrella

Golf umbrellas are a common sight on golf courses. Its main function is to protect players from the sun and rain. They are an important piece of equipment in a golfer’s bag and can keep the weather from playing killjoy. In size, they are larger than the normal rain umbrellas we use. Here is a detailed description of the features to consider when buying a golf umbrella.

1. Size –

The right size for you depends on what you want the umbrella to cover. Bow diameter ranges from 30 inches to 70 inches. The 30-inch is ideal for one person. Choose a larger size if you want the golf umbrella to cover you and your golf bag. One of the size of 60 inches and larger can usually accommodate many people. The wider the canopy, the higher the level of protection.

2. Weight –

Since you will need to take the golf umbrella with you, you should opt for a lightweight frame; increases the comfort of transport. Most of the leading brands choose fiberglass as the frame material as it is strong yet lightweight. Fiberglass is also resistant to lightning. Fiberglass is also very flexible.

A steel axle and spiders is not your best option, as it is heavy and definitely not safe in the event of a lightning strike. Rubber and graphite are the other materials used to make golf umbrella shafts.

3. windproof –

I’m sure you’ve been in a situation where your umbrella has flown inside out. It’s not something you can afford in the middle of a competitive game of golf. The wind blows at extremely high speeds on open golf courses. Many golf umbrellas are tested for resistance against high speed winds and the level of winds they can tolerate are marked. Some have a double canopy to prevent umbrellas from flying off.

4. Drive –

Golf umbrellas are sometimes required to be kept up for long periods. And an uncomfortable grip can cause hand cramps. The handle should be wide enough to allow a close, comfortable grip. Look for rubber coated handles.

5. Opening and closing mechanism –

An auto open feature is a desired attribute in a golf umbrella. It makes it as easy as pressing a button to open or fold your umbrella. You can be covered immediately in case of unexpected rain. It also prevents those painful accidental pinches.

6. Color-

You must be visible on a golf course to avoid the chances of injury. So a light color defeats the purpose. A brightly colored umbrella will ensure that you are visible on a cloudy day or when the lighting is low.

7. Accessories –

There’s nothing better than being able to go hands-free while on your game. You can opt for an umbrella holder that can be attached to your cart or golf cart. This way you can continue to play your game, while ensuring that you stay dry.

There are also golf umbrellas with collapsible designs that make transportation easy. If you can get hold of one, that will be good.

Purchasing a golf umbrella will not only keep you protected on the golf course, it will also protect your golf equipment. Keep these features in mind when shopping and you won’t regret your purchase.

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