Lifestyle Fashion

Does laser resurfacing really work?

Laser resurfacing is a procedure that may sound too good to be true at first. Since this procedure is minimally invasive and involves no downtime or incisions, most people deny its effectiveness. What is the reality? The fact is that the procedure has been used for quite some time to treat different types of skin problems and the results have been positive so far. So if you want to update your appearance, we suggest you try this procedure.

Treat different skin problems

With laser resurfacing, you can treat various skin problems, such as pigmentation irregularities, precancerous skin growth, uneven skin tone or texture, inflammation and redness, sagging or lax skin, signs of sun damage, facial wrinkles and fine lines, just to name a few.

This laser therapy creates micro-lesions in the skin to boost the skin’s healing response. So, skin problems disappear. Additionally, the therapy boosts collagen production to deliver long-lasting results.


This therapy is customizable so that different types of skin problems can be treated. In fact, it can also treat even serious problems. Usually, deeper treatments involve a bit more downtime; however, it can provide long-lasting results. In fact, other treatments can also prove effective, but they may need to be repeated over and over again to maintain the results.

Comfortable procedure, little downtime

Compared to other procedures, laser resurfacing is more comfortable and can be performed under local anesthesia or topical anesthesia depending on the depth of the procedure. The surgeon may give you a sedative so you can relax while the procedure is done. Apart from this, the integrated cooling can be used to maintain the skin temperature while the therapy is taking place.

Depending on the size of the treatment area and the area to be treated, the entire procedure can take anywhere from 30 to 120 minutes. You can go home afterwards; however, you may want to take it easy for a couple of days to allow your skin to heal. You can also use some skin care products to speed up the healing process and enjoy better results.

Combination with other treatments

For best results, laser resurfacing can be combined with other treatments. Some examples of the procedures include dermal fillers, Botox injection, and platelet-rich plasma therapy, just to name a few. However, it is your doctor who will choose the right combination of procedures for you.

In short, if you want to get this therapy, we suggest that you get in touch with a good doctor to identify the skin problems you have and discuss the goals you want to achieve. Your doctor will find out if therapy alone can help you get the results you want, or if another procedure is also needed to get better results. In this case, you may also have to opt for other procedures. This choice will be based on certain procedures based on your personal preference.

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