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Dirty Judo Fighting Secrets

Judo is one of my favorite martial arts to apply dirty fighting techniques. I will never forget my training with a guy who was a judo expert and every time I would try to get close to this guy he would walk away from me. I have a very healthy respect for those who practice and know the secrets of judo.

One of the most dangerous moves I have seen in judo is the headlock or face lock. This particular judo technique is not taught to many students. If you’re going to practice a head or face lock on a friend of yours, you could kill them, so practice this move on a dummy. It’s too dangerous to practice with someone who isn’t a judo expert!

The most dangerous face lock you will ever use

When your attacker throws a punch, you parry the punch and then cup the attacker’s head, while applying the face lock (you have your forearm under his jaw). Then you will put your hip and start to rise up. If you have performed this technique correctly, your opponent will lean in and his right forearm will come up against his throat. This is a nasty lock to be in and very hard to get out of without breaking your neck!

Make sure you have a professional judo instructor with you, if you ever apply this to another judo expert to practice with. This move is too deadly to be practiced on a close friend or just anyone. This technique is so powerful that when you apply upward pressure a little against your opponent’s throat, he will not be able to easily move his arms. In other words, he won’t be able to punch you in the muzzle or hit you with an uppercut.

I would suggest taking some judo lessons right away.

I think it’s worth taking the time to take some judo lessons that address the fundamentals of throwing (nage waza), striking (atemi waza), and catching (katame waza). This is really an interesting martial art and a beautiful art form. I personally love hip toss, which I have used with success, and leg toss. You can use your legs to block or hold your opponent’s legs and you can sweep or reap.

Some of the deadliest chokeholds and chokeholds I’ve ever seen are done in judo. I also like joint wrenches, like the straight arm wrench and the abet arm wrench, because they are both very effective and easy to use. Judo is one of those martial arts that you must have in your bag of tricks. Judo teaches you how to become a master of throwing and positioning on the ground. It’s very hard to get your hands on a person doing a judo throw and I’ve tried, so instead of trying to catch a person rolling, I got smart and taught myself how to roll.

Judo is a wonderful martial art that is based on solid principles that will help your students develop character. This is truly a martial art of self discovery and I am sure once you get a taste of judo you will come back for more.

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