
Clever Marketer Tip for Twitter: How to Effectively Use Other People’s Content on Twitter

The secret to using Twitter effectively and looking like the superstar network marketer that you are, is to follow the 80/20 rule when you’re tweeting! Your tweets should be content-rich and relevant to your niche 80% of the time, and you should only promote yourself, your products, or your opportunity 20% of the time.

Unfortunately, many network marketers on Twitter make a fool of themselves and our industry. Many network marketers end up spamming their followers with links about their company or products. Yes, we’re here to market ourselves and our businesses, but for our marketing efforts to be effective, it’s important to provide great value before inviting someone to our landing page or offer.

Think of yourself as a guest in the house of each of your Twitter followers. You don’t want them closing the blinds and turning off the lights when they see you coming! He wants to be welcomed there and to be invited often. You do this by making yourself known for providing amazing content that they look forward to reading!

But creating all that content can be overwhelming and time consuming! You’re a busy Network Marketer with a team to support, clients to care for, and a business to run…and who has time to write articles, blog posts, or record videos or podcasts all day? The secret to using Twitter effectively is to take advantage of the content that other people have created! Think of it this way… when you’re invited to a dinner party and you bring the host an exceptional bottle of wine, you’re sharing something someone else has created.

Who looks like the hero? The winemaker? No! You do!

Who does the host send a thank you note to? The winemaker? No… he or she thanks you!

Sharing great content is the same thing… only you’ll look like a hero to both your followers and the people who created the content you share.

Here are 3 steps to effectively use other people’s content on Twitter to build your list of enthusiastic fans!

1. Find sites relevant to your market for great content. Spend a few minutes a day and select a few articles, blog posts, videos, etc. that you would like to share. Remember… the number one rule for Twitter (or any type of social network) is to offer valuable information that your followers want to learn or know about. Think TINY (Your Interests, Not Yours) when looking for content to share!

2. Write about this great content in a short blog post and link to the website where you found it. Write a few sentences about the content you are sharing, what you liked about it, why you are sharing it, how you can help your readers, and be sure to give credit to the person who created the content.

3. Then tweet a link to your blog post to your followers! This is powerful because it will send them to your blog to get the information. If they like what they see on your blog, they will be added to your list! You are also helping the person who wrote the content you share, which can lead to reciprocity. This is where they correspond and feature some of your content on your blog, which will help expose it to your audience.

Twitter is a very powerful tool to build your network marketing business on the Internet. It can help you drive traffic to your marketing center, Twitter can help you meet potential business builders and users of specific products, and Twitter can help you position yourself as a leader in your niche.

Be a smart marketer on Twitter and you’ll have followers who can’t wait to read your next tweet and visit your blog to learn more.

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