2012: The coming end of our era?

Perhaps you have heard of an event that is believed to occur in or near Mexico City six years from now, marking the end of time or the end of the world. The event, scheduled to occur in 2012 (some say 2011), is when the ancient Mayan calendar ends. In 2012 the Mayan Calendar simply stops. Finalized. Made. On. Do […]

How to Make a Yeast Free Taco for the Candida Diet

No matter what type of diet you’re trying to follow, most diets require you to give up or severely limit the foods you love the most. The candida diet is no exception. The candida diet is the cornerstone of treating a condition known as candidiasis. Candidiasis is an overgrowth of typically benign yeast, Candida albicans, in the digestive tract. This […]

15 Things You Might Not Know About North Central Washington

North Central Washington provides one of the widest variety of recreational and scenic opportunities to be found in any region. There are snow-capped mountains, lakes, rivers and streams fed by glaciers, and also arid desert areas. Whether you’re exploring the Okanogan Highlands to the north, the Cascade Mountains to the west, or the sage-clad coules to the east, there’s plenty […]

Natural bonsai or dwarf plants environmentally

Let’s talk about natural bonsai or dwarf plants environmentally. We will take the example of the plant that grows, nailed to the side of a mountain. This article is not intended to be a scientific article, therefore I have no need, let alone the desire, to go into every variation of every sub-theme. Any plant, given the required growing conditions, […]

Fiji Travel Guide: Restaurants

Fijian restaurants often serve continental cuisine as many chefs working in these places hail from Australia and New Zealand. Resorts and hotels usually have a themed menu that focuses on a certain cuisine on a certain night. There are a number of restaurants in island resorts, hotels, and cafes serving Japanese, Chinese, and Indian cuisine. Most of the restaurants offer […]

Seychelles Resorts – Privacy with a variety of facilities

Seychelles is an African island nation that is made up of more than 100 stunningly beautiful islands in the Indian Ocean. People from all over the world choose Seychelles as their vacation spot for a variety of reasons, including luscious tropical scenery, magnificent secluded beaches, splendid coves and bays, seas dotted with shimmering islands, and UNESCO-certified World Heritage Sites. Seychelles […]

How to play a high sky

Eventually, while playing baseball games during the day, you’ll come across what’s known as “High Sky,” which essentially means the sky is totally blue and cloudless. At first, this may seem like ideal playing conditions, but inadvertently the clouds serve as an aid to depth perception when tracking a fly ball and without them the difficulty of estimating distance is […]

Scientology Beliefs – What Are They?

There has been a lot of news about the Church of Scientology, their beliefs and what they do. Many of these are fabricated or sensationalized. So I have made it my goal to explain the actual beliefs of Scientology. The fact is that when you talk to a Scientologist, you find out almost immediately that what has been said about […]