Alternative Loan Options for Residential Real Estate Investments

Conventional loans are often the most difficult for real estate investors to obtain. Some lenders do not allow income from investment properties to be counted toward total income, which can make balloon underwriting a problem for certain investors, especially those who already have several existing conventional real estate loans reporting on their credit. In these cases, the investor must seek […]

Seychelles Incorporation Benefits

Favorably and strategically located in the Indian Ocean, enjoying political stability and adequate legal and administrative frameworks, today Seychelles is becoming one of the most attractive offshore jurisdictions. It is highly recommended for those looking for an efficient and secure offshore company structure. Let us define the most attractive features of this jurisdiction and discuss how anyone can benefit from […]

Five things to know when renting your home

If you own a home that you can rent out, it’s a great way to earn some extra income or an extra way to start saving money. Single-family home rentals are booming in the United States and demand is continually increasing as more people are choosing to rent rather than own due to it being more affordable and flexible. Renting […]

In search of the perfect property offer

One of the most detrimental limitations a beginning investor faces when building a property portfolio is the dreaded perfect deal. As if trying to find a property wasn’t enough, the budding investor now has to find the perfect financing, the perfect lawyer, the perfect area, the perfect rental, the perfect growth prospects, the perfect builder, the perfect sales consultant. , […]

Cultured Marble Care

A common bathroom surface material is cultured marble. Cultured marble is actually a surface made up of various materials, including marble dust, limestone, and resin. The material is most common for countertops in bathrooms that have built-in sinks, but it can also be used for showers and bathtubs. No matter what surface is made of cultured marble, it is important […]

Everything you need to know when moving offices

Are you looking to relocate your office space and need key information and expert advice on the best strategies? Moving offices can be a very stressful undertaking – you’re essentially relocating your entire business, so there are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind. Here are 7 top tips to ensure your large office move is as quick, easy […]