The New GRE – Sentence Equivalence

Sentence equivalence problems are a new question type in the verbal reasoning section of the new GRE (as of August 2011). In this question type, you will be given a sentence with a missing word. You will choose two answers from a list of six answer options that give the sentence the same meaning (or as close as possible). Partial […]

The Renaissance, the All Seeing Eye and the Constitution of the United States of America

The All Seeing Eye of ancient Egypt, depicted on the Great Seal of America, represents a fractal logic concept of political Freedom that is now re-emerging in a new global understanding. The ancient concept revealed its lost mystery when the science of quantum mechanics was extended to the evolutionary biological science of quantum biology. Now there is an obvious advantage […]

Arrested for trafficking oxycodone or hydrocodone

As a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney, I have received dozens of phone calls from people whose family members were recently arrested for trafficking oxycodone or hydrocodone in Florida. Inevitably, each individual asks the same three questions: 1. (My brother) takes oxycodone (or hydrocodone) to relieve back pain. He was only arrested with a few pills. How can you be […]

Marketing Basics You Should Know

Marketing is an all-encompassing term that describes how a business makes money. This includes everything from conceptualizing a product to its packaging. However, as most people understand it, marketing focuses on the act of selling the product. Here are some basic tips: 1) Create a distinctive product – You need to distinguish your product to get noticed. Use your creativity […]

Keep Cybercrime at Bay with Cyber ​​Security

To be a thief, one has to think like a thief. However, this is not carte blanche for one to indulge in a life of crime as a lame excuse for a knowledge-gathering exercise. If one has the right experience in the digital world and is willing to make a difference on a crime-ridden Internet, what better way to wield […]

The power of the subconscious mind – Planting your garden

The tremendous power of the subconscious mind simply cannot be denied. Throughout the centuries there has been much study on the secrets of the mind. The last decades have deepened the study of the subconscious. Research has revealed the power of the subconscious and the role it plays in our daily lives. Some studies show that your conscious mind only […]