World milk price conversion

Milk prices reported in the media can be confusing and misleading information for farmers, the dairy industry and the public. The basis of measurement and reporting varies widely within many countries, much less when currency is taken into account. The price of milk is generally reported as value per volume or weight of milk. For example: cents per liter (cpl); […]

How to do push-ups if you have bad knees

One of my readers, who has been working on getting back in good shape, feels a question about doing push-ups, even though he has knee problems. He wanted to know how he could still do push-ups, but avoid falling to the ground. Fortunately, I have an answer to his question. For each standard exercise, there is usually a variation of […]

Maintain a healthy weight: myths and facts

One of the ironies of losing and/or maintaining weight is sorting through all the information on how to do it effectively. There are thousands of foolproof weight loss reports and programs touted on TV, online, as well as ideas from family or friends, all with good intentions of course. With hundreds of weight loss products and theories, confusion begins to […]

Smooth Momentum UB5 Upright Exercise Bike Review

The Smooth Momentum UB5 Upright Exercise Bike is designed to meet the demands of gym users, yet will provide years of solid performance in your home. The Smooth Momentum UB5’s self-generating drive system requires no power cord but can produce a whopping 900 watts of resistance. No helmet required if you already enjoy cycling outdoors, cruise to your heart’s content […]

What is Vaser liposuction and how does it work?

What do we understand by lipoplasty? Liposuction is medically known as lipoplasty. It is a process by which fat is broken down and removed from various parts of the patient’s body, primarily the abdomen, chest, knees, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, and the upper and back of the legs. the arms. There are several techniques for lipoplasty, one of which is […]