The 6 best PC games you can play in 2019

If you are looking for the best games to play on your PC, you can check out the list of games that is provided in this article. With the right graphics card in your PC, you can install and play all of these games at maximum settings. So, let’s take a look at the list of games. 1. Call of […]

Monsters rise from the grave in new ways

From the 1910s to the 1950s, many classic movie monsters, such as Frankenstein (1910), Nosferatu (1922), Dracula (1931), The Werewolf (1941), and The Creature from the Black Lagoon (1953), made its first mainstream. appearances. These monsters leapt from the literary pages of their respective novels to the big screen. Few would consider these demons appropriate for children, but the shift […]

American Gangsters – The Hudson Dusters Street Gang

The Hudson Dusters were a rebellious street gang that ruled the Greenwich Village area of ​​New York City, beginning in the late 1890s. They were made up of the trio of Kid Yorke, Circular Jack, and Goo Goo Knox, who were a former member of the Gophers gang, a group that ruled Hell’s Kitchen a few blocks north. Knox tried […]

Borderlands 2 – Game of the Year Edition Review

Characters You follow one of six unique Vault Hunters, each with different abilities: Axton the Commando, Salvador the Gunzerker, Maya our resident Siren, Zero the assassin, the two DLC characters, Gaige the Mecromancer, and Krieg the Psycho on their quest to stop Handsome Jack and Hyperion, find adventure and the best team on Pandora. Before we get into the story, […]

Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon

It’s easy to see why 2013 is Luigi’s year when it brings games like Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon for Nintendo 3DS. I was certainly excited to finally get my hands on the game and play it. Poor Luigi has always ridden on the skirts of his more successful older brother Mario, but with this title we almost forget that Mario […]

Smart entrepreneurs are the best Pokémon Go players

“Gotta Catch ‘Em All” has people from all over the world looking for 148 Pokémon characters. Interestingly, although it is a pure form of entertainment, the application of simple rules for business success also applies to Pokémon players. Pokémon Go has become a worldwide phenomenon. More than 100 million people around the world have downloaded the Pokémon Go app. It […]

The spiritual nature of pharmaceutical drugs

“Just say no to drugs. “How many times have people heard this advice, but still don’t think about going to the local pharmacy to pick up their prescriptions? Drugs have become so common; North America is awash in a sea of ​​drugs, both legal and illegal. Prescription drugs have become so prevalent; traces of them are now showing up in […]