Employee retention: what employee turnover really costs your company and what to do about it

It is one of the largest costs in all the different types of organizations, but it is also one of the most unknown costs. It’s employee turnover. Businesses routinely record and report costs such as wages and benefits, worker’s compensation insurance, utilities, materials, and space; however, most companies do not have and report the cost of employee turnover. It may […]

What does aromatherapy do?

“Take control of your health the natural way” I’m glad you asked! The idea behind aromatherapy is that the use of therapeutic essential oils can help prevent illness by reducing anxiety. Anxiety causes many problems including pain, hair loss, weakened immune system, skin rashes, and much more. Scent or smells have an effect on the part of the brain that […]

Optimal cost structure and effective economies of scale

How do companies choose their cost structure? What is the nature and function of the scales of operation? What are the sources of functional and dysfunctional scales of operation? These policy questions relate to the optimal overhead for a business enterprise – the right mix of expenses that maximizes return on investment and shareholder wealth while minimizing the cost of […]

Startup Act 101 Series: What Are Restricted Stocks and How Are They Used In My Startup Business?

What is restricted stock? Restricted shares are the primary mechanism by which a founding team will ensure that its members earn their capitalization. Being fundamental for startups, it is worth understanding. Let’s see what it is. Restricted shares are shares that are owned but can be lost if a founder leaves a company before it has been acquired. The startup […]

How to Start an Ecommerce Business

The growth of e-commerce companies is on the rise. The credit is due to the growing use of the Internet and the growing market for smartphones. Therefore, even small retailers are launching their stores online. If you want to start your business on the web, we suggest that you follow the tips provided below. Methods Business that is done online […]

Understanding the different types of dental insurance

Dental insurance is becoming more popular as people realize that the costs involved in caring for their teeth and gums continue to rise. And many doctors are now emphasizing the need to keep your mouth and teeth clean and healthy to prevent heart disease and other serious illnesses. Dental insurance typically covers basic dental procedures that are necessary for good […]

Various types of loans available for startups

Getting financial help can be difficult for small businesses. Therefore, loans are a great outlet. Some of the loans are beneficial for new businesses, while others are more suitable for well-established businesses. There are several types of loans available these days, which we will discuss below. Bank loans For small business owners who require a considerable amount of cash flow, […]

The power of the negative

The vast majority of us learn very early that we are expected to deal with facts. In and of itself, this might not be such a terrible thing. The problem begins when we combine with this the idea that we also learn very early where these facts come from. Usually we are not learning that facts come from testing hypotheses […]