Arts Entertainments

Born good for the first time?

The purpose of most religions is to make us “better” than we are today. The biblical premise is that all human beings have fatal flaws, are not good enough, and need great improvement and control of their “human nature.” Without this continuous overcoming of the evil self, growing towards a better type of person and change, one runs the risk of not being good enough to spend eternity, due to his inability to change during a fairly short life, in a hell of punishment. . . Scripture does its best to remind all of us that our fundamental human qualities are deceit, evil, jealousy, anger, lust, and greed. Personally, I find it to be one of the most useless and controlling lies ever imposed on human beings by religion. Of course, this is how we can act, but that is not who we are in any way when we are given the freedom to be authentic and to feel safe being authentic.

We are called “worms” and least of all in this great book of encouragement. Even the early leaders, prophets, and apostles knew that they had to debase themselves as less than human to show that they understood that they were worthless as unregenerate human beings. Only when one realized that they were a piece of poop, could one lead the people who were really poop people. If you couldn’t pronounce the words “I am not worthy,” you would never be an executive director of the Bible. The apostle Paul pointed out that he was “the least of the apostles” and that “the things that I don’t want to do, I do and the things that I should, I don’t do.” He made his problems everyone’s. He concluded that he was simply a miserable human being, and everyone else should too. He reminded others that they were blind, miserable, poor, and naked in heart and spirit. He even said that he had to be beaten, weighed down after preaching to others, that he should fail and be a castaway. It seems that he did not have the confidence “in the blood” to compensate for the differences between what he was and what he felt he needed to be.

It is also said that Jesus said that humans must become “perfect, even (in the same way) as your Father who is in heaven is perfect.” There is no challenge to be better than one at any time! Of course this is not possible and it is not possible or plausible in any way “I am now converted and filled with the Holy Spirit.” He has never met a Christian who has achieved this goal in life. I’ve met some who act the way they have and I’ve met some who agonize over not being able to, but I’ve never met one who did, whatever that means. Actually, I think it would be a strange human being.

How do we get this way? Well, of course it was due to the “fall” in which Adam and Eve, our first really true and real human parents, created by God from clay and ribs, wallowed and ate the forbidden fruit. We have all been blamed for this event and must spend our lives under the blood sacrifice of a more perfect human / god and then continue the fight to be “better” until we die. Then we discovered that we understood that it was bad enough to be good enough to live forever. The redemption of humans through blood sacrifice and execution has always been the preferred solution to man’s depravity. Membership in the club generally costs ten percent or more of your material income and membership in the one truth of many churches. I am not being disrespectful to the life and teachings of Jesus, but few understand how that has been woven into a story that Jesus himself would have been ashamed of.

I remember when I was a teenager, when it was “time for you to be baptized,” they told me that I was all these miserable things and that I needed deep and sincere repentance and, of course, a savior. The minister took me through all the Ten Commandments and asked me if I understood that I had broken EVERY ONE of them in my entire short life and was therefore doomed to death. I was a simple 18 year old boy, a good boy, a good home, quite obedient, a little guilty and ashamed of upbringing, but not a big nasty sinner on drugs with three illegitimate children. And yet, here I was sitting convinced that I worshiped other gods (money, success, human hopes and dreams), somehow I always took God’s name in vain (Mom and Dad would have washed my mouth with soap .. I only learned to curse and things like that after being in the ministry) and worship on the wrong day of the week along with having to regret keeping the wrong Holy Days for my whole short life.

I was in some way deeply evil a murderer, adulterer, thief, liar and covetor of all the goods of men and women. When I said that I had not really killed anyone, they told me that I hated and that it is the same. I admitted that I hadn’t had sex with anyone up to that point, but my lust covered it too. I wanted to say “well no, I hadn’t done it either,” but it would have been bad advice if I’d ever wanted to get baptized and have a future with the group. He told me to come back another day and regret more deeply my nasty, evil, and wicked 18-year-old self. Of course I did it on time and joined the “you’re still not good enough” club for the next three decades as a pastor who then passed the good news of human depravity to thousands and reminded them that while they might think they are Kind folks, those stinkers that Adam and Eve brought to all of us are under penalty of eternal death regardless. However, I managed to grow up a bit and concluded that the story of my guilt by association with Adam and Eve was not literally true. Humans have for the most part evolved as good science has pointed out. My own genome has been mapped 60,000 years ago to all of our African origins. I don’t think it’s very fair for humans to pay a literal and eternal death penalty based on a mythical story and not literally true.

Have you ever considered the fact that you and I were born right the first time? What if the simplest and most spiritual goal that a human being has is to become oneself, genuine, authentic and own? What if our purpose in life is not to jump through the hoops set by others, who they think they know, or to strive and strive to dramatically improve on who you are? People don’t change much throughout life, regardless of their religious affiliations, and while it is an improvement to stop committing suicide with sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine along with various other body-killing habits, it’s okay to be yourself. .

Is it easy to be yourself? No, not in our culture and certainly not in many others where not being a mere cog in the tribal wheel can get you killed in really bad ways. One of the simple truths of life that most human beings have long forgotten or never known is that we are all the same and we are all smaller parts of one thing. I don’t pretend to know what that is, but let’s say we’re all one in the same conscious awareness trapped in a five-sensor carbon-based limited wetsuit for now. As Mike Adams said in a recent article on The Discovery of DNA Variability, Holographic Planes, and the Symphony of Life … “We are, in fact, an expression of the very phenomena that we are trying to understand, and if we read the DNA poetry correctly, we will realize that life itself is not about the accumulation of wealth, or things, or power over others, but rather the discovery of oneself. And the “I” does not exist of In isolation. We are, in every conceivable sense, intertwined. We are all made of the same matter, forged from the same patterns of nature, and, in fact, formulated from the same musical notes played in five billion unique but compatible melodies. With this discovery, western science has concluded that we are all more different from each other than previously thought, but I think it is evidence that we are all just unique verses of the same poe ma universal “.

That is far from humans being simply miserable, miserable, poor blind and naked worms in need of further rehabilitation at the hands of prophets, priests, and pastors. To say that we were born well the first time and that we do not need to be born again or reborn goes against the meme, which is the mental virus that we were taught as children. Our parents taught it to them and their parents before that. It is the idea that we all have the failure of a birth due to a non-event in the life of our first parents, not literally, Adam and Eve. It is the idea that even if you are a good enough person, you are full of vanity, jealousy, lust and greed that, unless you pay with a perfect blood sacrifice, requires you to spend eternity in hell burning forever, away from God or permanently. dead. It is also not true and it is not what a genuine human being actually needs to become the monkey on his back.

What liberation it is to simply recognize that we are all one and the same smallest part of a great thing. It is as difficult to live an authentic life as it is to live a life in false conformity with the will of others. It is easy or not easy depending on the need to please everyone or seem to agree when you are not, be true to yourself and yourself, I do not mean the ego. I mean being faithful to the conscious awareness that lives in the container that we too often mistake for the self. You are not your body. That is simply transport and a container for a short time. You are not your brain. That is a receiver of information and memories that, in fact, can arise from outside a you and me larger than we can imagine. You are not your mind, which is that thinking brain that turns into the past in anger or projects into the future full of anxiety when it has nothing better to do in the present.

How much misery and struggle to be everything that one can never be religion has accumulated on the faithful. Not many will leave the warmth and comfort of the boxes they were born in by chance and explore ideas that are not acceptable to the tribe or the church. But some will. They could be labeled “heretics” or perhaps more benevolently, “ahead of their time.” In the past, those who were ahead of their time tended to be burned at the stake. Getting out of the box of religious dogma is difficult and often one is left alone and on their own. Those in the last box don’t usually follow them. You can be your authentic self as you can think of and risk a lot but win a lot, or you can put on the mask and be more comfortable but devouring antidepressants for the rest of your life. That seems to be the way to the fact that being yourself is the simplest spiritual truth that exists for a genuine human being.

Politics, fear, guilt, and shame are some of the reasons why human beings misbehave. Feeling insecure can do a lot of harm. All of Iraq is taking off due to fear and self-preservation, not an inherent evil that is the true, continuous, everyday nature of man. When people feel safe, appreciated, respected, and listened to, you will be amazed at how much can be accomplished. If Chicago were Baghdad, these same fears and survival skills would raise their ugly heads in the neighborhood.

What is the simplest spiritual truth that a human being can come to recognize? While there may be many, the simple recognition that being your authentic self in thought, word, and action is fine, is near the top. If even telling you that makes you uncomfortable, then you can know that it is not far from a truth that you, as a conscious being, should consider in the time you have left to live in your limited five-sense, carbon-based moisture. go on.

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