Arts Entertainments

Become prosperous and successful in all your affairs with Magick

If you’re trying to make your life as much better as possible and just don’t know how to do it, I may have a remedy for you.

It is not about trying a new lifestyle or a self-improvement system that you must follow every day; it is about looking for real results that allow us to feel and be successful.

But success is subjective: you define it and follow what you feel is for you.

You cannot judge your own life by the measuring sticks of others; that just means you’re following the paths of others, and that’s obviously not correct.

You have to define success and prosperity for yourself, and it has to be something you resonate with, or else you won’t enjoy true happiness in the long run.

When we embody that level of success, happiness just happens to us, we don’t have to think about it very much, and it’s not something we think about often anymore.

Before that, when you’re not as successful, you tend to think about it a lot, and life doesn’t feel as prosperous and good as it could be.

This is not a fantasy either: we are literally talking about real success; true success for us that fully matches what we believe makes a successful life.

Although it may not be so easy for others to imagine and consider for themselves, we can do it quite easily, as long as we allow some spirits to guide us a bit…

Alastor (Greek spirit) – Guides us to understand what success and prosperity means to us so that we can fully embody it; it allows us to do whatever it takes to be totally and completely successful in every way that matters to us over time.

Eladiah (fallen angel) – Allows us to fully understand what it takes to be prosperous for us; it guides us to be fully prosperous when it comes to bringing full success to us.

When you are totally and completely successful, with the prosperity that comes with it, life becomes much more interesting, and not in a bad way either.

Feeling successful and being successful are two completely different things, but once you combine them and fully experience them in your life, things can turn out to be quite good.

In cases where people seem successful but really have nothing to show for it, I think you know what’s going on.

They have a definition of success that doesn’t really fit them, and they don’t really know what they want out of life in general.

You can see that this is true by the fact that they are not totally happy with where they are, and that is not a good thing.

They are literally living in a definition of success and prosperity in a way that doesn’t fit them or their lives, and they feel awful overall because of it.

We don’t have to be like this, and we can use spirits in ways that others don’t even remotely consider, and that’s our advantage here, they can help us achieve what we’re looking for, and one last spirit has some relevant powers here…

Ereshkigal (Sumerian spirit): makes us think and act in a way that fully aligns us with what we consider to be true prosperity and success; all aspects of our lives align in ways we cannot predict or understand so that we are a living embodiment of total success in every way possible.

If you can imagine your most successful life, the spirits can help you.

In the event that you cannot imagine yourself more successful, the spirits can still help you.

It’s not that we can’t be successful without them, it’s that we can be much more successful by thinking the right way and making the right moves so that we are most successful at all times, and the spirits can guide us towards that.

Think of the spirits as a small advantage in the game of success: you are striving in all the directions that count, and the spirits guide you to take the right actions and think the right way so that you can make the best decisions along the way. of the way way – and that’s a pretty big thing when you slow down and reflect on it.

You literally have an advantage over others who have no idea of ​​working with spirits like us, and that’s a huge thing, especially when it comes to pushing yourself to be better, and everyone around you is stuck thinking the same shit, and you can’t imagine stay in the past because the spirits have guided you to become the best of yourself.

It’s not a question, really. You want to be the best version of yourself you can be, and being successful and prosperous isn’t about continuing to be successful in ways that don’t resonate with you.

If you follow other people’s definition of success and obviously don’t feel well, that’s going to lead to problems later, and we already know that.

That’s why we have to define that right away, without leaving any confusion so that we later have problems with what we’re really looking for when it comes to success.

It is no small thing to be confused about prosperity and success, and now we understand how to make it more intelligible and understandable for us in the long run, and the spirits can help us with all of that.

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