
Award for the best document management solutions

Hollywood awards season is in full swing and everyone is eager to find out which movies, actors, directors, and musical scores will win at this year’s ceremonies. So with this in mind, we thought we’d introduce you to our top contenders for document management solutions.

Just like choosing which films to nominate, there will be questions to ask and demos to watch when choosing the right document management solution. Some of the questions companies may ask include:

  • How will this solution help my business?
  • What is return on investment (ROI)?
  • What document management solution is best suited to my company?
  • What are the long-term benefits of a document management solution?

Answering these questions will help companies better understand the type of solution that will work for them and provide the best benefits. Investing in a document management solution for your business can provide numerous benefits that will help save time, money, and improve the overall business process. So, without further ado, here are our top solution contenders:

Invoice Processing Solution
An Invoice Processing Solution helps the Accounts Payable department process invoices efficiently by reducing data entry costs, improving productivity and the level of service between internal departments and vendors. IMS will help reduce costs as you won’t have to pay for offsite storage or office filing cabinets as documents can be scanned into the solution and stored in your financial system. This will make it easier and faster to find documents, saving not only costs but also time. OCR can also be included, drastically reducing manual data entry, which can be huge cost savings for finance departments.

digital mail room
A digital mailroom solution can help improve security, streamline operations, reduce operating costs, increase efficiency, and provide rapid return on investment (ROI) within 6-12 months. The solution will automatically capture and classify any information coming into an organization, then route it to the appropriate person, department or back-end ERP, CRM, ECM or workflow solution. This will eliminate time delays associated with manual document classification, as well as improve operational processes.

Document files
Document archiving helps businesses easily store and retrieve important documents securely. Businesses can scan typed and handwritten documents into the computer system. All documents will be immediately available through the business systems line, Internet or desktop. Having instant access means there’s no need to spend time searching for information and documents in a variety of electronic and paper formats, freeing up staff time for more strategic tasks. Introducing a document archiving solution to your business can help improve the productivity and efficiency of your business; as well as improve business relationships with suppliers and buyers.

Human resources management
The Human Resources (HR) department handles thousands of different documents including payroll, vacation and sick forms, employee files, pension records, and appraisal forms. The introduction of a human resource management solution can help streamline the management of all the above documents. The solution will be able to retrieve all of an employee’s documents from one place, automate HR document processing, and improve security by allowing your team to only grant certain people access to important documents; something that is virtually impossible with paper documents.

All of these solutions will provide your business with the means to process and document effectively and efficiently, while delivering benefits such as cost and time savings. Tell us what you consider to be your top competitors for document management solutions in our comment box below.

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